💟 |William James Moriarty| "Want to spend Valentine's inside?"

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Requested By: Oya10Oya10

Tag/s: Fluff, Established Relationship

2nd Person's POV

"Excuse me," a woman pulled your sleeve, almost making you drop your basket.

"Um... yes?"

"Are you a housekeeper here?"


"What time does William Moriarty come home?" she asked, making the other women look over the two of you.

"Uh... I'm not sure. He's usually home by the evening," you lied with a smile, making them sigh in disappointment as they continued to wait by the gates.

'Better take the back entrance...' you thought, seeing the large crowd of women blocking the entrance.

"Welcome home," Jack-sensei greeted, seemingly exhausted as he watched over the crowd at the gates.

"I'm back," you smiled, setting down the basket on the kitchen counter.

"It looks like I have some competition," you joked, making Jack-sensei chuckle.

"Oh please, like you have to compete with them," he rolled his eyes, making you chuckle as you rolled up your sleeves.

"Now... Where's Louis's cookbook..."

"Delicately now..." you muttered, carefully taking out the tray from the freezer.

You slowly took the finished chocolates out of the molds, placing them inside the golden heart-shaped box.

"And finally..." you quickly wiped your hands as you closed the box and tied it neatly with a scarlet bow.

You smiled to yourself as you admired your work, feeling triumphant.

You looked over to the wall clock and saw that William was later than usual.

"Huh," you breathed out, "I wonder what's taking him so long..."

As you finished cleaning the kitchen, the front doors opened as a weary William walked inside with a large bag in hand.

"Speak of the devil," you smiled as you dusted yourself off.

"Welcome home!" you greeted cheerfully as he weakly smiled over at you.

"I'm back..." he breathed out, loosening his tie.

"I see you had no motive to warn me about the crowd outside," he muttered, making you smirk.

"Well, let's be honest, you should have expected it," you winked, making him shake his head as he put down the bag, revealing a mountain of chocolates.

"Woah..." you mumbled as you crouched down, seeing some famous and expensive brands inside.

"I see you had a busy day," you chuckled as William sighed.

"They are all obligatory, as they said," he muttered, glancing down to the heap.

"And here I was hoping I would give you some," you teased, making William's eyes light up.

You smiled as you gave them the heart-shaped box, making him smile as he admired it.

"It's beautiful, thank you," he complimented, kissing you on the lips.

"I was hoping we could enjoy today with dinner in our favorite restaurant, but..." you and William looked over to the windows, still seeing a huge crowd by the gates.

"I do not think we would be able to enjoy the evening for ourselves," he frowned, making you laugh.

"Want to spend Valentine's inside?" you suggested, making William look back at you.

"We can just cozy up and read with hot chocolate and just have a lazy day," you held his cheek, feeling how worn out he was as he snuggled closer to your touch.


"That sounds lovely," he smiled, leaning back down and kissing you deeply.

"Happy Valentine's day, William,"

"Happy Valentine's day, darling,"


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