|William James Moriarty| Run Away With Me

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Tag/s: Fluff, Established Relationship

(Y/N): Your First Name

2nd Person's POV

"Hup!" you pushed your suitcase in the compartment, pushing it in as far as your fingertips could.

"Here, darling," William stood behind you and placed it inside with ease, along with your other bags.

"Thanks," you smiled, sitting onto your booth and swinging your legs.

You looked outside the window and saw Louis and Fred looking over to you, waving goodbye as the train started to move.

You happily waved back as William sat next to you, doing the same.

"It's too bad everyone can't join us..." you muttered, hoping you could have made everyone take a break.

"True, but Louis was the one who insisted, and he can be quite adamant when he has made his decision,"

"I guess so..." you lightly chuckled, remembering how the group insisted that it would only be the two of you.

"Hey!" you shouted excitedly, catching everyone's attention in the living room.

"How about we all go on a trip next week?" you suggested, making everyone look at each other.

"Why the sudden suggestion?" Albert asked, putting down his papers.

"Well, we've been really busy these past few weeks, and I thought it would be a nice break for everyone!" you explained as you sat down next to James on the couch.

"We could visit Big Ben, Stonehenge, London Eye... or Lake District!" you added, waiting for their answers.

"It would be nice to get out of the manor..." James mumbled, smiling at the thought.

"Have you talked to William-nii-san about this?" Louis asked, making you freeze.

"Well... No... I thought we would have a better chance of convincing him if we were all on board..." you shyly explained, making Albert chuckle as Louis softly smiled.

"Oh, come on! All that man does is work, eat, then nap anywhere he can find. If anyone here needs a break, it's him..." you pouted, making James hug you tightly while Sebastian messed your hair.

"Aw... you worried about your man?"

"Well, isn't Will lucky to have you~?" they teased, making you roll your eyes and push them away.

"Young William indeed needs a vacation," Jack added, rubbing his chin.

"So? Are you all on board?" you asked, making them look at each other and smile.

"I don't see why not,"

'And here I thought it would be all of us...' you sighed, feeling a bit self-conscious to be alone with William.

"If I knew a trip would make you this cheerful, I would have planned one months ago," William chuckled, making you nudge him with your shoulder.

"I'm just excited I get to spend it with you," you grinned, making William smile lovingly and kiss your forehead.

"Okay!" you stood up, holding William's hands, "Since this is your official vacation, I have the trip all planned out. So, you don't even have to lift a finger,"

"You don't have to do all of that,"

"But I wanted to!" you countered, keeping your ground.

"You've been working day and night for us, so I want you to lay back and relax this time and do whatever you want,"

William raised a brow and smiled playfully at your statement.

"Whatever I want?"

"Be as selfish as you want," you reassured, unaware of the mischievous glint in his eyes.

William chuckled as he stood up, intertwining his fingers with yours.

"All right then, what shall we do first?"

"I'm glad you asked," you grinned, pulling him out of his seat and out of your cabin.

"I reserved some lunch for us, including your favorite: Stargazy pie!" you explained as you went to the dining car, seeing the waiters setting up your table.

"How beautiful," William breathed out, the waiter lighting up the candles and setting flowers on the table as you two sat down.

"I also reserved their famous specials since I heard that it was really good," you smiled, eagerly waiting for your food.

William smiled over to you and reached for your hand, kissing your fingers.

"Thank you for doing all of this for me," he whispered sincerely, brushing his thumb on your hand.

You felt your face heat up as you smiled back.

"The guys told you about my plan, huh?" he chuckled as he nodded, squeezing your hand.

"I also apologize for not giving you the attention you deserve," he frowned, "I know I haven't spent time with you as much as I should,"

"It's okay, love..." you reassured, holding his hand,

"I know how tiring your job is. I was just hoping this trip will help you..." you shrugged your shoulders, "...Just relax, and forget about all the bad things, even for a moment,"

You kissed his hand as you smiled over to him.

William smiled back as he reached out for your chin, pulling you close as he kissed your lips.

You tensed up but slowly melted into the kiss, leaning closer to him.

Starting to feel shy, you pulled back and hid your face behind your hand.

"T-The staff might see us, and people might walk by..." you explained, feeling your shy under his gaze.

William smirked as he pulled you back, your face only inches away.

"I do believe it was you who said I could be as selfish as I want?" he reminded, making your face heat up.

"I-I didn't mean it like that!" you retorted, pulling away as William laughed lightly at your reaction.

"I see..." he smiled, moving his feet closer to yours as he squeezed your hand.

"And here I was hoping I could have you all to myself," he smirked, making you widen your eyes.

"So the reason why the others didn't join us?"

"I asked them," he confirmed, making you hide behind your hands.

"Of course it was..." you muttered, making William chuckle.

"Your lunch, dear guests," the waiters said as they set down your food.

"T-Thank you!" you squeaked, trying to calm yourself and hiding your red face.

"Are you mad at me?" William asked, feigning innocence as you huffed.

"No... I still want this vacation to be good," you admitted, grabbing your glass of champagne, "So I'll just sulk when we get back to the manor,"

William chuckled at your remark, grabbing his.

"Here's to vacations," you smiled, raising your glass as William clinked it with yours.

"Here's to us,"


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