|John H. Watson| Take A Break

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Tag/s: Platonic, Self-Indulgent

(Y/N): Your First Name

2nd Person's POV

"And... I'm done...!" you breathed out in glee, your project working as it should with little to no kinks.

You sighed in relief, slumping back to your seat as you loosen your body, muscles aching from the continuous hours in front of your desk.

"Now for sleep... on the bed..." you slurred, moving your chair with your feet as you inched closer to your bedroom.

As your chair bumped onto your bed frame, you flopped your body onto the sheets, sighing in content as you felt fatigue take over your body as you fell asleep.



"Agh!" you jolted up, looking around frantically as you saw John looking at you with a confused expression.

"John...? What are you doing here so early?" you asked as you rubbed your eyes, feeling it sting from the light.

"...It's already the afternoon... Don't tell me you-" his voice started to rise, signaling a lecture would be in full swing.

"A-Ah! Before you scold me," you stood up on your bed, hands in front of you as John crossed his arms.

"I was working on my project... And it took a little later than I thought," you clarified, hopping off your bed.

"But I thought your partner was in charge of it?"

"So did I, but what happened was that they asked someone else to help them and remake it from that person's work instead of continuing what I already made..."

You gestured with your hands, hoping it would help explain.

"...And I found out they lied to me and just took it off of something they found from the public library, SO!" you clapped your hands, "I notified my professor that I would be going solo, and I continued the project I already did,"

You finished with a nervous smile had a confused expression.

"D-Did you at least finish it...?"

"Yeah! I finished it last night- Well, up to around 3 AM, but it's done!" you reassured, making John sigh in relief.

"That's good, I guess... But I don't think you should keep staying up late. It's bad for your health," he scolded like a father.

"I know, I know... It's not like I wanted to," you shrugged, stretching your arms.

"Anyway, what brings you to my house?" you asked, cleaning up some messes as you walked to the living room.

"Oh, right," he grabbed his bag and took out a large pile of papers, "My draft for the manuscript is done, and I wanted your opinion on it,"

Your eyes lit up as you ran up to him, eyes locked onto the papers.

"Hold on!" he raised his arm, making it impossible for you to reach it.

"Have you eaten anything yet?" he asked, making you pout and cross your arms.

"You literally just woke me up," you reminded, making him frown.

"Go freshen up. We're eating out," John sternly said, putting the manuscript back in his bag.

"Why!? Can't we just eat here?"

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