|Louis James Moriarty| All Because of A Bookmark

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Tag/s: Fluff?

(Y/N): Your First Name

2nd Person's POV

You munched on your pastry as you walked through the street, your bag in hand as you tried to find the train station.

'It should be around the corner...'

"Excuse me," a small voice called out as you felt someone tug on your shirt.

You stopped as you turned around, seeing a little girl with a basket in hand.

"Would you like to buy one? My sister and I made them," she asked in a shy tone, showing her array of bookmarks with pressed flowers.

You softly smiled as you knelt down, looking through them.

The daffodil one caught your eye, making you smile as you picked it out.

'I wonder if he'll like it...' you thought as you looked back to the little girl.

"These are beautiful..." you complimented, making her smile as you picked four more.

"How much for these?"

"Here!" you smiled as you gave William, Louis, Fred, and Sebastian the bookmarks.

"I thought you guys would like them,"

"These are lovely," William smiled, eyeing the lilies.

"Thank you..." Fred muttered with a small smile, hiding his gift in his pocket.

"Thanks," Sebastian blankly said as he rubbed your head, "But next time, just bring some alcohol,"

You scoffed as you swatted his hand away, "Yeah, and babysit you through the night? No thanks," you chuckled as you tried to push him away.

Sebastian started to put all of his weight on top of you with a smirk, making you groan out in annoyance.

William chuckled at the scene as he looked over to Louis, who kept quiet as he stared at his gift.

He didn't say a word, but it was clear that he loved it with how his eyes shined at it.

"Louis," William started, snapping Louis back to reality, "Shall we prepare for the mission?"

"O-Of course..." Louis stumbled, delicately putting the bookmark in his pocket and straightening his posture.

William smiled at him knowingly before facing you three, clearing his throat to catch your attention.

"Now, shall we begin?"

You let out a sigh as you walked inside, finishing the fourth mission of the week as you sluggishly made your way to your room.

'Half a year in and still doesn't get any easier...' you sighed as you stretched your back, more than ready for a nap.

"(Y/N)!" you heard rapid footsteps as someone grabbed you by the shoulders roughly, turning you around and saw Sebastian's anxious face.


"Where did you get those bookmarks?"


"The one you gave us back then! What store did you go to?"

"Oh! I got them from a little girl on the way here,"

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