|Sherlock Holmes| Song For You

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Tag/s: Fluff, GN!Reader

2nd Person's POV

You hummed to yourself as you listened to Sherlock's violin playing, pouring a cup of tea for the four of you.

"I didn't know you like classical music (Y/N)," John commented with a smile as he cut the cake into even pieces, startling you.

"N-Not exactly... I have only listened to Sherlock's music," you explained, setting down the teapot while Miss Hudson raised a brow as she set down some plated and forks.

"What about concerts?"

"I don't really have the time, nor the money, for that matter," you chuckled, shrugging your shoulders as you set John and Miss Hudson's cup in front of them.

"It would be fun to attend a concert with the four of us together," John suggested as Miss Hudson hummed in agreement.

"I don't really think Sherlock would enjoy it, though..." Miss Hudson grumbled, making you and John lightly laugh.

"He would say that it's boring and a waste of time, but it would be nice," you mumbled, taking a sip from your cup and sighing in satisfaction.

As you three enjoyed the calm afternoon, the door suddenly burst open from upstairs, startling you three.

"He must be done..." John muttered, taking a sip from his tea as Sherlock went down the stairs, stopping mid-way.

"(Y/N). Upstairs," he simply said, making you raise a brow as he went back up.

You looked over to John and Miss Hudson, but they gave you a clueless look.

You slowly walked upstairs and saw Sherlock tuning his violin.

"Sit down," he looked over to the couch, and you complied, curious as to why he called for you.

"Did you need me for something?" you asked as you sat down, "If it's another experiment, I want a full explanation before we continue,"

You clarified, not wanting another accident like last time.

"No, just sit there," he answered, making you even more puzzled.

You shrugged your shoulders as you settled down, watching his every move.

Sherlock took a deep breath as he started to play his violin, producing a beautiful melody.

Your eyes widened in surprise as you smiled, enjoying the music.

As you listened closely, you tried to guess what the name was and who's the composer.

'Is it an original?' you thought, intently listening as you watched Sherlock play the violin.

The more you listened, the more you noticed that it was somewhat different from all of the melodies he played in the past.

It was more... slow-paced and intimate, but it was still beautiful and sweet. You can tell that it was thoughtfully made with love and care.

'A love song?' you thought as you could easily see it playing at a party for a slow dance.

As you continued to listen, Sherlock glanced over to you, snapping you back to reality.

You both quickly turned away in embarrassment as he continued to play.

You saw John and Miss Hudson peeking their heads by the doorway, making you even more embarrassed as your eyes landed on the floor.

You quickly shook your head as you focused on listening to the music.

When Sherlock played the last note, you gave him a smile and clapped for him.

"That was beautiful, Sherlock. You could easily hear it at a ball!" you genuinely complimented, making him smile.

"It kind of reminded me of (Y/N)," John commented, making you turn back at him while Sherlock jumped slightly.

"I was thinking the same thing!" Miss Hudson added, making Sherlock glare at the both of them while you looked at them curiously.

"How long have you two been there?" Sherlock asked with squinted eyes, making the two smile.

"Why? Was it just a private concert for (Y/N)?" Miss Hudson teased, making you and Sherlock blush.

"Shut it, both of you," he grumbled, making Miss Hudson snicker while John laughed.

"What did you two mean when you said it reminded you of me?" you asked as you pointed at yourself.

"Well... It's just a feeling," John weakly explained, scratching his cheek.

"Yeah! Like when Sherlock played it, you would always pop into my mind," Miss Hudson added with a sigh, "He's been playing that same melody for a few days now,"

"HEY!" Sherlock yelled, making miss Hudson retreat behind John with a teasing grin.

"Did you write it?" you asked, making Sherlock look away with pink ears.

"Yeah... I had some free time," he mumbled as he fixed his music sheets from the stand.

You felt your face go warm as you smiled.

"Well, my compliment still stands. It was one of the most beautiful pieces I've heard," you added, making Sherlock stop and look back at you.

As he opened his mouth to say something, the wall clock started to chime.

"Ah! I need to go!" you quickly stood up and dusted yourself off, heading out of the room.

"I'll see you all later!" you put on your coat as you waved goodbye, heading out to work.

You let out a deep breath as you pulled your coat closer to you, smiling to yourself as Sherlock's music played on your mind on repeat.

"When are you planning on telling (Y/N) that you wrote it for them?" John asked, making Sherlock freeze as he put down his violin.

"They don't need to know," Sherlock answered, arranging his music sheets from the stands.

At the top had your name as the title. It had scribbles and erasure all over, rewritten carefully with each note placed thoughtfully.

"More specifically, a love song for (Y/N)..." Miss Hudson whispered over to John, making a vein pop onto Sherlock's forehead.

"What? You could easily play that song for a slow dance," she defended, making Sherlock glare at her.

"Alright, that's it. Everyone out," Sherlock shouted, pushing the two out as he closed the door.

He let out a sigh as he slumped down on the couch, exhausted.

His eyes went over to his violin, remembering your compliment.

He felt his face go warm as he scratched his head angrily, getting up to grab a cigarette.

As he pulled out a lighter, his eyes glanced back to his violin.

'...One last time won't hurt,' he thought as he removed the cigarette from his mouth and picked up his violin, playing your melody again.


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