|William James Moriarty| Starting Over Again

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Tag/s: Amnesia!Reader

2nd Person's POV

"Now, can someone solve this problem?" William asked as he looked back at his class.

All of them were taking notes intensely while others furrowed their brows.

They glared at the board as if the answer would appear out of thin air if they looked hard enough.

William only kept his smile as he waited for his students to write up their solutions, giving hints here and there when they asked questions.

"Excuse me..." you softly called out, catching the whole class's attention as you peaked your head by the doorway.

"Is Mr. William Moriarty here?" you asked, looking around the room.

William's eyes widened as he rushed in your direction, startling you slightly.

"Try to solve the problem while I'm gone," he told the class as he turned to you, making you step back as he closed the door.

"Mr. Louis said to give this to you before lunch..." you meekly explained as you held out his lunch, making his eyes soften as he took it from you.

"Sorry, did I interrupt your lecture?" you apologized, looking back at the class and seeing a handful of them looking at you curiously.

"Don't mind them," William shook his head, making a mental note of the turning heads, "Thank you for bringing this for me," he smiled, making you loosen your shoulders and sigh.

"Don't mention it!" you grinned, making William's heart jump.

It's been a while since he saw you smile so bright for him before the accident.

William quickly rushed to the hospital, wanting to see you as soon as possible.

"Excuse me," he breathed out as he got to your room, seeing you on the bed with bandages on your head.

He let out a sigh of relief as he smiled at your figure, "Thank goodness..." he muttered as he walked up to you.

You kept a polite smile as you waved at him.

"Hello!" you chirped, making him stop at his tracks.

He furrowed his brows at you as you kept your smile.

Usually, you would greet him happily with a hug, not just a hello and a smile.

You gripped onto your sheets, looking down as you took a breath.

"Uhm... Are you Jack Reinfeld? Or Moriarty?" you asked, making his blood turn ice-cold.

"What...?" he breathed out, the pieces slowly started to come together.

"S-Sorry... The doctors didn't give me much information... They just said that I work at Moriarty Manor, and someone named Jack Reinfeld answered the phone."

William gulped as he covered his mouth, finally understanding what happened.

"Retrograde amnesia..." he muttered, making your eyes widen.

"Yeah! The doctors said I have that," you sheepishly explained as William frowned.

"Um... So, are you Mr. Reinfeld?" you asked, tilting your head at him.

William reluctantly shook his head, making you even more confused.

"William James Moriarty..." he answered, making your eyes widen.

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