💟 |Albert James Moriarty| Writing a love letter, song, or poem

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A/N: NGL, I might add Mycroft at a later time--

Requested By: Ruuna777

Tag/s: Fluff, Established Relationship

(Y/N): Your First Name

2nd Person's POV

The carriage stopped by a well-lit banquet hall, making you tilt your head by the window.

You carefully made your way out with the driver's help, not wanting to trip over yourself with what little light the night gave you.

"Thank you," you bowed curtly as the carriage went off, the driver waving goodbye to you.

"Okay..." you breathed out, dusting off your outfit as you checked yourself, making sure everything was in its place.

You patted your pockets and took out the note Albert left you:

"Follow the carriage, and you'll arrive at the hall where we first met. I'll be waiting inside."

"What does this man has planned now," you shook your head with a smile, used to your husband's antics.

You took a deep breath as you walked up to the entrance, unsure what was behind the doors.

As soon as you walked inside, you were greeted by Albert, a bouquet of red roses on his hand.

Behind him were giant chandeliers hanging on top of the hall, shining brightly against the gold and white room.

By the left side were tables and chairs, matching the royal aesthetic of the room with a small stage by the right, leaving a large space for people to do dancing in the middle.

You breathed out a smile as you took the bouquet while Albert swiftly held your hand, kissing the top of your knuckles.

"You look beautiful, dear," he complimented, making you chuckle.

"Thank you, you look handsome yourself," you added, noting the tuxedo he was wearing as he led you inside.

"I hope you got here just fine?" he asked, pulling out a chair for you as you sat down.

"Yes... the ride was pleasant, and no one noticed it was me inside," you answered, sweating at the image of the envious noblewomen.

"That's good to hear," Albert sighed in relief as a waiter came out of the doors, pushing a cart of food.

"...Are all of this for us?" you asked, noticing the number of dishes on the cart.

"I wanted to enjoy today with no disturbances, and I made sure to get all of your favorites,"

Sure enough, each plate the waiter placed in front of you two was to your tastes.

You gulped as the smell made you hungry by the second, making Albert chuckle.

"Well, let's dig in,"

You two spent the evening enjoying the food and chatted, catching up with each other's day.

"And when I came back, I saw William and Louis--" a group of musicians came out from the stage, preparing their instruments.

You looked back to Albert and saw him walking over to your side, making you smile as he reached out his hand to you.

"Care to dance?"

"I would love to," you grabbed his hand as he pulled you up, placing a hand on your hips as the music started playing.

By the first chord, you could already recognize the familiar tune.

'The song we had our first dance with...' you smiled at the memory, lightly squeezing Albert's hands.

"Mhmm..." Albert hummed along, his eyes never leaving yours.

"So this is love..." he sang, resting his forehead on top of yours.

"So this is what makes life divine..." he continued as he spun you, catching you with ease.

Your smile never left your face as you rested your head on the crook of his neck.

"Happy anniversary, my dear..."

"Happy anniversary..."


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