|William + Sherlock| Spending Summer Together

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Tag/s: Headcanons

Warning: VERY historically inaccurate

|William James Moriarty|

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|William James Moriarty|

-Sad to say, the math professor had some papers to grade...

-Luckily, he finished them quicker with your help!

-With summer vacation finally here, you wanted him to actually have a vacation.

-True, he was still a crime consultant and had planned missions, but you still tried to help him more than usual, so he could rest.

-He's kind of an introvert, so he usually spends his time inside his library or eating with the whole gang.

-He usually only goes out for missions, or if you offer to go out and visit some places.

-Museums, plays, new libraries, or parks are his usual go-to.

-He loves talking about the story behind the places you visit, so you learn something new each time.

-You were the one who suggested going to the beach since it fits with the season, and the whole gang agreed.

-You and Louis prepared the food while James and Sebastian happily talked about what they would do on their vacation.

-With Albert's help, you and the whole gang went to the beach at his family's beach house for a well-deserved break.

-James and Sebastian were the most excited, immediately running to the ocean.

-You helped Louis and Jack settle in, knowing those two were in their own world.

-As usual, William was in the library, looking through the books.

-He doesn't really like going out, but he thinks it would be a nice change of pace.

-As you two walked out, James and Sebastian, unfortunately, planned a prank.

-When you were close enough to the ocean, they grabbed you by the arms and legs, throwing you into the water.

-Wanting revenge, you splashed the water on them but accidentally hit Fred.

-One thing led to another, and you all started a splash war. You pulled William in, wanting him to enjoy the water.

-After that, you two tried to enjoy the place as much as possible.

-Walking around the beach, visiting some tourist spots, trying some local food, even just resting on the sand with a good book.

-When you two tried to make sandcastles, his looked like an actual kingdom.

-He doesn't spend every day outside, already comfortable and content in the library.

-That doesn't mean he didn't enjoy the vacation. He just has his own way of spending it, and he's grateful that you made this a reality.

|Sherlock Holmes|

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|Sherlock Holmes|

-Another one who doesn't like going out.

-Sherlock prefers staying in, sometimes writing new music on his violin while waiting for another case.

-He doesn't really like going out, seeing as he barely has money to pay his rent.

-But when you had free tickets for a cruise, he was in.

-He thought it would be boring with no mysteries to solve, but you had some plans to make it more interesting.

-You two were a menace.

-Playing around the deck, trying to explore the ship as much as possible, even at places you shouldn't be, and trying every activity and somehow making it a competition.

-Watson half gave up on you two, seeing you were having fun, and he wanted to take a break as well.

-Same with Miss Hudson, who decided to just have fun and enjoy the sun.

-You two were like children without adult vision, much to the other passenger's dismay.

-Definitely recreated the King of the World pose from Titanic at some point.

-Speaking of, quoting Titanic at random moments.

-"When was the last time you were on vacation?"

-"It's been eighty-four years..."

-Even singing My Heart Will Go On terribly just to mess with each other.

-Watson once caught you two doing the Jack dying scene in the pool while you were on a floatie.

-People would stare, clearly judging you two, but you were having too much fun to care.

-When Watson and Miss Hudson made you two behave yourselves, you two would pass the time making deductions of passersby.

-At the end of the day, you two would visit each other in your rooms.

-Have some snacks, talk about random things, and play made-up games.

-It would be competitive, with how Sherlock would accuse you of cheating while he does it as well.

-Sherlock once lost, and you made him do beauty self-care with you.

-Miss Hudson even took a picture of Sherlock with a face mask as you gave him a manicure.

-Simple to say, you two enjoyed it a lot.


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