💟 |William James Moriarty| 16 and 19

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Requested By: Ali_sensei

Tag/s: Angst with Fluff Ending

(Y/N): Your First Name

2nd Person's POV

You let out a sigh as you kept looking at the window, waiting for William to come home.

You looked back to the grandfather clock, showing it had only been two minutes since you last checked.

You groaned as you leaned back in your chair, anxiety growing in your chest.

"Did he forget...?" you muttered, hugging your knees as you kept looking through the window, hoping to see your lover's face.

Hours have passed, and the moon shone brightly against the window when you heard your bedroom door open.

Sure enough, William walked in, shoulders slumped as he slowly walked inside.

You would have greeted him with a smile and a hug, but your anger got the best of you.

"...Welcome back," you greeted coldly, catching his attention.

"Why are you still up...?" he questioned, walking over to you.

"I was waiting for you to come home... Didn't you remember?" you asked, crossing your arms, "I asked you to come home early..."

"I apologize... it must have slipped my mind," he breathed out, sitting on the bed, "I'll make it up to you tomorrow,"

"Tomorrow? You said--" your eyes widened as dawned on you.

"You don't know what day it is, don't you?" you asked, making him raise a brow at you.

"What do you mean?" you frowned at his question and looked at your feet.

"It's Valentine's day..." you muttered, embarrassed to feel excited for the holiday.

William raised a brow at you, "No, it's only--" his eyes widened as he read the calendar, circled in red was the day: February 14th.

He cursed under his breath as he looked back to you with regretful eyes.

"(Y/N), I'm so sorry--"

"--It's fine, Will... I know how busy you are," you reassured, climbing to bed as you faced away from him, "Let's just get some sleep," you deadpanned, turning off the light as you closed your eyes.

William sighed as he followed your lead, climbing next to you. You felt him reach out to you but pulled back, staying on your respective sides.

The next day, you woke up early and took a walk in the gardens, hoping to clear your mind and not really wanting to see William.

You knew he was very busy with his job at the university, even more so as a crime consultant. But you were still hoping to spend the day with him since he'll be back in his office day and night afterward.

"He should have left by now..." you muttered, seeing the sun shining high in the sky as you walked back inside.

As you opened the door, the floor was covered in rose petals with candlelight around, soft music playing in the background.

You raised a brow as you walked inside, seeing William by the stairs with flowers in hand as he walked up to you.

"....Why are you here?" you softly questioned as he stopped in front of you, "Aren't you supposed to be at the university?"

"I took a day off today," he explained as he handed you the flowers,

"Truthfully, It should have been yesterday, but I mixed up the days," he explained with a frown as you realized his mistake.

"(Y/N), I'm sorry I left you alone on Valentine's day... I should have checked everything more thoroughly," he apologized as you breathed out a smile.

"It's okay... I'm just happy you prepared all of this," you smiled, looking around the room.

"Of course, I have been waiting for it so I could be with you," he reached out to your cheek, caressing it before kissing you on the lips.

"Now, let's go enjoy the day. I had a lot planned for us,"


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