|Albert James Moriarty| He Cheated On You

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A/N: I made it in headcanons if that's okay ^^" (Wattpad is killing me I'm pretty sure I published this yesterday :'))

Tag/s: Headcanons, Request

-I don't think he's the type to cheat, despite having a good situation to do so.

-Being rich to accommodate you both, always going on trips, going to parties where women swoon over him, and having a good image.

-He's also busy cleaning out dirty nobles from the world, so getting into a relationship--let alone two-- is a lot to handle.

-But let's get into it ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

-You first noticed it when he's been going on more trips than before, and his brothers rarely spoke to you.

-Louis couldn't look you in the eye for days, and he usually just gave you straightforward answers.

-William kept a smile, but you could tell that he was hiding something by his apologetic eyes.

-There were times when the two approached you but said nothing.

-When they did talk to you, they asked about your relationship with their oldest brother or how you were.

-All in all, they tried to avoid you as much as possible.

-You tried talking to Albert, he reassured you not to worry about it, but you can tell he was not telling you something.

-He had a guilty feeling to him, and he kept a distance from you, being overly polite and keeping a smile.

-Whenever he came home, he was less affectionate than at the beginning of the relationship, and you started to get worried.

-Whenever you'd suggest doing something romantic, he usually tells you that he's too tired or too busy.

-Finally, Sebastian was the one who broke the news to you.

-He came to you, clearly pissed and fuming.

-He most likely dragged you out of the manor, going to where Albert was on his trip.

-Sebastian kept quiet, along with the others, as you get pulled onto Albert's place.

-That's when you saw him with another person, clearly more than friends.

-The fight was quite... explosive. Some things flew, some colorful words were said, and a lot more.

-When Albert tried to follow you to explain, Sebastian was the one who stopped him and protected you as you walked out.

-Luckily, Albert's trip wasn't going to end for about a week, letting you grieve for a couple of days.

-You wouldn't leave your room, too ashamed to be the last one to figure out your lover was unfaithful.

-Fred would give you flowers, changing them every day.

-Louis and Jack would bring you your food, even some of your favorite snacks.

-William left you some books that would cheer him up or some that he thinks would help you.

-James kept you company, trying to cheer you up.

-Even Sebastian suggested hitting a couple of bars with you.

-They suggested letting you stay somewhere else when Albert comes back, knowing you don't want to see him right now.

-It sucked, getting cheated on, but they helped you feel better.

-When you came face-to-face with Albert, he immediately had regret on his face.

-The others tried to stay out of it, but they were still worried, nonetheless.

-You kept a straight face, ending things with the noble and taking a few days off with William's approval.

-You listened to Albert's reasons, but it's not like it's gonna change things.

-Either way, Albert tried to fight for you, but he knows he messed up big time.


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