|Mycroft Holmes| SFW Alphabet

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A/N: I forgot to say but thank you for the manga links from before!!

A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)

A little more affectionate than his younger brother. Outside of work, he greets you with a small smile, maybe a hug or kiss on the head if he missed you (and there isn't anyone else there). But while he's with his co-workers, he usually just politely greets you, talking about work, nothing more... Okay, maybe Mycroft slips in a few secret touches and looks here and there, but most of the time, he's all professional. When you're all alone and off-duty, he's all over you.

B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)

As a best friend, I feel like he'd be a frenemy type. Like you both insult each other every day (with love), but when someone else talks crap about either of you? Nah, only you two can do that. You both have healthy competitions, usually teasing each other and such. You both probably meet at work with you as his co-worker or secretary since you're the only one who can handle him, and you got used to his meetings with his brother.

C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)

Surprisingly, he likes them. He usually just lets you cuddle him as he works, knowing how he barely has time for just you two, so it became a routine. When he's working at his home office, and you come in with an anticipating look, he understands immediately. He moves his chair, pulling you to sit on his lap as you hug him. Sometimes he rubs your back, plays with your hair, or just cuddle for a few minutes to relax. When he's done with work, he carries you to the couch or bed, making it comfier.

D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)

He's a pretty private person, doesn't let just anyone into his life. However, he likes the thought of you two going home together or seeing you waiting for him before dinner and you in his arms as you fall asleep. I think he lives in something like a mansion with maids and butlers, so he never really had the time to hone his domestic skills. The only way I can think of him picking them up is either to lighten your load or to one-up Sherlock.

E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)

He tries to be as gentle as possible, doing it privately so you won't have an audience. He tries to smooth things out, not wanting to leave any regrets. He may appear mature and unbothered, but he just doesn't want you to see how much it affects him. After, he just goes and drowns in his work or annoys his little brother just a little more. If you two work in the same building, he avoids unimportant collisions and small talk. He usually just talks to you when it's work-related and crucial.

F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)

I feel like he doesn't like labels or has slight commitment issues. He's loyal to you, don't get me wrong, he just doesn't want to rush into things. But when he's sure that you're both ready to get married, he'll be excited to spend the rest of his life with you. Same as Sherlock, he never really thought of romantic relationships as a requirement in life, let alone marrying someone. But when you bring it up, it got him thinking. The thought of you wearing a ring to showcase that you are his and he's yours seemed sweet.

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