|Fred Porlock| Shopping Day

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Tag/s: Shy!Strong!Reader

(Y/N): Your First Name

2nd Person's POV

"Good day! What can I help you with?" the fruit vendor greeted you cheerfully.

You quickly went over your pockets and took out the shopping list.

You raised it to the vendor and placed your basket on the counter, your gaze shifting to the ground.

He tilted his head at you as he grabbed the list, reading it over.

"All right! I'll go get these ready for you," he smiled as he took the basket and went to the back.

You let out a sigh of relief as you put the list back in your pocket, glad that you're almost done.

As you waited for him to pack your fruits, you felt someone loom behind you.

"What's a pretty little thing doing out here?" he slurred, clearly drunk in the middle of the day.

You let out a sigh as you kept your eyes on your order, ignoring the drunkard behind you.

"Hey, I'm talking to you-" he grabbed your shoulder, but you quickly grabbed his wrist and flipped him over onto the ground.

"Please don't touch me," you muttered, looking down on him.

He glared at you before getting back on his feet.

"Why, you little-!" he lunged at you, making you stand firm as you dodged him, making him fall on some barrels.

"Hey!" another man grabbed your shoulder, making you stop.

"The hell do you think you're doing to our friend!?" he snarled, tightening his grip on your shoulder.

You gave him a glare before grabbing his wrist and twisting it, making him scream in pain.

"This is why I hate going to the market..." you mumbled, seeing a handful of men running towards you.

As the last man went to the ground, you dusted off your hands and sighed.

You looked over to the fruit vendor and saw that your basket was ready as he stared at the unconscious men in shock.

"...Thank you very much..." you whispered, grabbing your bags and quickly walking out of the scene, not really knowing what to do.

When you were far enough, you called for a carriage and went back to the manor.

You let out a sigh of relief as you slumped to your seat, a little exhausted from the fight and social interaction.

"I'm home," you called out, placing the basket on the kitchen counter.

"Welcome back," Louis greeted as he helped you take out the food, "Did something happen at the market?" he asked, making you freeze up.

"W-Why do you ask?" you asked, cursing yourself for stuttering.

"Well..." Louis turned the basket around, showing a knife stabbing through it, "...Just a hunch," he raised a brow at you as he pulled out the knife.

You inhaled through your teeth as you looked away, thinking of how you were gonna explain it.

"Well?" Louis asked as he looked at you with crossed arms.

"Some drunks walked in and caused a scene at the last stop..." you explained, looking down on your lap.

Louis let out a sigh as he checked the fruits and vegetables.

"Well... It looks like nothing got damaged," Louis commented as he took out everything, making you sigh in relief.

"Should we have someone come with you next time?" he asked as he washed everything.

"That would be nice, I can barely talk to the vendors, so I just show them the list..." you answered, washing your hands along with him.

"Then, I'll have Fred come with you next time," Louis mused, making you stop.

"N-Not him..." you muttered, making Louis raise a brow at you.

"And why not?" he asked as he wiped down his hands while you turned away nervously.

"W-Well...! He's already so busy with the garden, we shouldn't bother him with shopping," you reasoned, but Louis was unconvinced.

"Uh-huh..." he hummed as he started cutting the apples, making you sigh.

"Come to think of it, you never really partnered up with Fred during missions," he pointed out, making you choke on nothing.

"We shouldn't question William's way of planning our missions,"

"Hm? But I only did it because you asked me to," William suddenly explained as he walked into the kitchen, making you jump.

"W-William! How long have you been there?" you asked, clearly shaken up as he kept his smile.

"Long enough to hear that you've had quite a day at the market," he answered, popping a slice of apple in his mouth.

You sent him a glare as you put on your apron, hoping the topic would change.

"Now, what's this about you and Fred?" he asked, feigning innocence while you glared daggers at him.

"It's nothing..." you denied, angrily juicing the orange halves.

William looked over to Louis, who seemed to be communicating only through their eyes.

You raised a brow at them but continued to work, nervous to know what the two brothers were planning.

"Then, if it's nothing, you don't mind if you bring these snacks to him?" William asked as Louis gave you a tray of orange juice and fruit slices.

"W-Why me?"

"I'm busy preparing lunch while William-nii-san is grading papers,"

"Jack-sensei is busy cleaning while Moran and Bonde are out on a mission," the two of them reasoned, looking at you expectantly.

"...I hate you both..." you muttered as you took the tray, making William laugh while Louis breathed out a smile.

You stood out of the greenhouse, taking a deep breath.

'Just give him the tray and leave... Just give him the tray and leave...' you repeated in your head as you knocked on the door.

"It's open," Fred answered, making you breathe in as you opened the door.

"Hi (Y/N)," he greeted with a small smile as he walked up to you, making you nervously smile back at him.

"L-Louis made some snacks," you explained as you gave him the tray, balling your hands to your sides stiffly.

You quickly turned around and started walking out, not wanting to make a fool of yourself any further.

"Wait!" Fred called out as he grabbed your hand, making your heart pound in your chest.

"Oh, s-sorry..." he quickly let go as he put the tray on the table.

"I was hoping... we could eat it together..." he mumbled, pulling on his scarf with each word.

Your eyes widened in surprise as you breathed out, calming your nerves.

"Yeah... That sounds nice," you smiled, making Fred look up to you and smile.

"Great," he breathed out as he sat down and pulled a chair for you, eating peacefully in the greenhouse.

Unknown to the both of you, William, Louis, Moran, and Bonde saw the whole thing, pleased to see that the two of you finally had some progress.


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