💟 |Fred Porlock| "Can you pretend to be my date for this party?"

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Requested By: StarveForSugar

Tag/s: Fluff

(Y/N): Your First Name

2nd Person's POV

You took a deep breath as you took one last look at yourself in the mirror, checking everything.

"(Y/N)! The carriage is already here," Louis reminded as he knocked on your door.

"Coming!" you hollered as you fixed your hair one last time and rushed downstairs.

At the end of the staircase, you saw Sebastian dressed up as a coachman and Fred cleaned up in a suit.

"Took you long enough," Seb complained, making you stick your tongue out at him.

Your eyes drifted off to Fred, staring at you with wide eyes.

"Fred...?" you called out, waving a hand in front of him.

He quickly blinked his eyes and shook his head, turning away from you with pink cheeks.

"You... You look... nice..." he muttered, making you softly smile at him.

"Thank you, you look handsome in that suit!" you complimented, making Fed turn red in the ears as he turned away from you.

"Pfft," Sebastian covered his mouth with his hand, his shoulders shaking as Fred glared at him.

"Relax, Romeo," he smirked, putting a hand on Fred's back, "Let's get you two lovebirds to that party,"

The carriage stopped by the Adams manor, the party already in full swing.

Fred went out first as he reached his hand out to you, helping you step out of the carriage.

"Have fun at the Valentine's ball, you two," Sebastian hollered with a smirk, whipping the horse as he drove off.

You rolled your eyes at the man as you looked back at Fred with a smile.

"Let's get going. The Mark Davies should already be inside."

You two quietly made your way inside, already seeing numerous couples enjoying flirting or talking to their friends.

"Ugh..." you groaned in disgust, making Fred chuckle.

"Come on, I think I see the count over there," he smiled as he reached his arm out to you, making you smile as you linked yours and made your way through the ball.

"(Y/N) (L/N)! You actually made it!" Elaine smiled as her eyes went to Fred.

"And who's this?" she asked with a knowing tone as the other nobles smiled, making you sigh.

"This is Fred, my date for tonight," you smiled curtly, seeing Mark taking an interest in the conversation.

"So, who confessed first?" Maria blurted out, making your face turn bright red.


"--I did," Fred cut you off, catching you by surprise as he looked over to you with a smile, "I would send (Y/N) flowers every day until I worked up the courage,"

He lied with ease, making your face grow warm as others cheered you on.

'Right... it would be more suspicious if we weren't dating...' you thought, catching the boy's plan.

For the rest of the evening, you two acted like a couple.

Dancing along to the slow songs as you held onto each other, enjoying your moment together eating by the buffet... Even came up with a story on the spot about how you two fell in love.

...Well, most of the stories were white lies.

You let out a sigh as you finally got enough intel on the target, feeling exhausted.

"Good work," Fred smiled, making you breathe out a chuckle.

"Good work..." you greeted back, holding onto his arm for balance.

"I have to admit, you were an excellent Valentine's," you nudged his side, making him lightly chuckle.

"...It would be nice if we could be like this all year round," you heard him whisper, making you stop.

"What was that?" you asked, making Fred smile.

"I think you heard me loud and clear," he smiled, kissing the top of your hand as you two made your way out of the ball, seeing Sebastian waiting for you with a carriage.

"Hey, wait! Can you at least repeat it for me!?"


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