Sherlock Holmes Headcanons

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A/N: Sorry, I've been trying something new with the stories ahsahs

Tag/s: Request, Headcanons

(S/O): Significant Other


-I feel like he'd be the jealous and protective type

-But not so much that it's toxic or suffocating

-Like if a random guy is talking to you and everything's casual, it's all good

-But if a person was flirting, making advances to you, or looking at you the wrong way and you don't notice, he steps up

-He gets all pouty and upset when he gets jealous

-He usually just walks up to you guys and leans closer to you, sending glares at the person.

-If he still doesn't get the hint, he joins in the conversation and pulls you closer to him

-If he goes over the line, like touching you and making you uncomfortable, RIP this person's pride

-He would make deductions about him to make him back off and low-key to show off to you

-LMAO, imagine calling the person out in the middle of a public place

"I wouldn't talk all high and mighty if I were you..."

"I guess compulsive cheaters have their way with wo/men, huh?"

"Your girl/boyfriend left you after two weeks. What makes you think you have a chance with my S/O?"

-Worst case scenario, he straight-up fights this person.

-When the person finally leaves, he gets a little more touchy than usual.

-Holding your hand, keeping you close, keeping an eye on you if ever there's another annoying person comes along.

-If John was in the scene, he'd tease Sherlock about it, of course.

-I feel like he's a little insecure.

-But whenever you do something that makes him feel loved and wanted, all his insecurities go away.

-Having an older brother who's " better " than him and having financial issues are some of his insecurities since he wants to be the best for you.

|Clingy Significant Other|


-I don't think Sherlock would like a clingy S/O at the START of the relationship.

-But if you've been dating for a long time, he LOVES your affection.

-I also think he's touch-starved, but it takes a while for him to be comfortable with it.

-But it will be worth it in the end!

-He doesn't mind if you stay close to him while you're working, experimenting, listening to him play the violin for you, or listening to him talk about a new case.

-But hugs, kisses, and possibly even holding hands takes him a while to get used to and comfortable with

-So he loves you for being patient with him and waiting for him to be comfortable enough for those.

-When that hurdle is conquered, he loves it when you play with his hair or massage his head.

-It helps him relax and clears up his mind.

-He usually prefers physical affection at home.

-He'd lean on your back, hold your hand, put an arm over your shoulder, a hand on your leg or thigh, your legs entangled as you're sitting on opposite ends of the couch, etc.

-Just anything so he feels your presence with him.

-He listens to you intently when you talk about your day or just something you love and remembers the little details.

-Long story short, he likes physical affection but respect his boundaries.


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