|William James Moriarty| 'Till We Meet Again

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Tag/s: Angst to Fluff, Fem!Reader, Established Relationship

(Y/N): Your First Name

2nd Person's POV

"(Y/N)?" William called out, making you turn around.

You smiled softly at your lover as you pulled your jacket closer to your body, the cold breeze of the night blowing stronger.

"What are you doing outside?" he asked, walking up to you.

You shrugged your shoulders as you looked up at the sky, "It's my last day in England. I thought I might enjoy it while I can," you turned away from him as you walked along the path.

"It's dangerous to be alone at night," he sighed, stopping in front of you.

"I highly doubt there'd be anything more dangerous than what we've been through," you chuckled fondly at the memories, your eyes fixed on the ground.

"...You're sending me away on purpose, aren't you?" you asked as you both stopped, turning back to look William in the eye.

His face tightened as he kept quiet, observing your every expression and movement.

"You even booked me a ticket before the finale," you smiled, pulling the ticket out of your pocket.

"...I don't want you to get hurt,"

"It's too late for that," you retorted, tightening your jaw as you wiped your tears with your arm, sniffing softly.

"...You already did when you started pushing me away. Ever since you confronted Milverton," you mumbled as you tried to keep your composure.

"But I get it," you sadly smiled, fiddling with your hands, "I would too if I was planning on giving my life away,"

"(Y/N)..." William reached out, caressing your cheek as he raised your head.

You felt your walls break down when you met his eyes.

They were soft and vulnerable, his free hand moving your stray hair away from your face.

"I... We were never supposed to be together,"

"Then why did you go along with it?" you asked, letting your bottled emotions spill out.

"Why did you agree to be with me? I wasn't even a part of your plan, remember?" you pulled away, your head hung low as tears fell.

"I wasn't a character... I had no role to play... I was supposed to just be part of the audience," you choked as you looked at him in the eye, but he kept his gaze away from you.

"Why did you let me in your life if I wasn't supposed to? Was I just a mistake?"

"Of course not," he quickly answered as he looked at you with narrowed eyes and lowered brows, as if offended that you would even think that.

"Then why?" you retorted, your voice getting louder and shaky as you went on.

William kept quiet as he tried to think of an answer. He slowly reached out to you, placing a small white box in your palm.

"...I was planning on leaving this in your bag... But I don't think I should make you wait that long." you raised a brow as you looked up at him for answers.

He softly smiled as he rubbed his thumb against your cheek.

"I'm sorry I can't be the man you deserve to have," he whispered, his hand shaking against your face.

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