Christmas Headcanons

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A/N: Just little scenarios I think they'd have for the holidays :)

Albert would DEFINITELY have homemade Christmas sweaters for everyone. No one's allowed to take them off during this time of year, no matter how much they protest.

Louis is preparing a whole feast and hot beverages for everyone, even decorating cookies for the holidays.

Fred is busy clearing the snow with Jack and Sebastian, preparing festive flowers for the table and the whole mansion.

James called for decorating the tree, humming carols under his breath as he covered the tree in tinsels and stars.

Jack and Sebastian are in charge of decorating the mansion. Unfortunately for the colonel, he's covering the roof with Christmas lights.

Von Herder created a machine to help with decorating, making it more Christmas-themed, while Moneypenny is making sure everything is going smoothly, even offering cookies to others.

Patterson's having second thoughts but was eventually pushed inside by Von Herder and Sebastian. Patterson was a little reluctant at first but gave in and even started smiling to himself.

Surprisingly, William suggested building gingerbread houses. He thought cooking and decorating with his family would be a good break to get his mind off work. He'd even play a little piano for everyone as the stars started to come out of the sky.

The Secret Santas and exchange gifts were a mess but were definitely fun and a happy memory to look back on. Needless to say, Christmas was eventful at the Moriarty household.

Watson insisted on celebrating the holiday, Miss Hudson already decorating 221B Baker Street in lights and set up fake snowmen in front of the building.

Sherlock thought it was a waste of time, not seeing the purpose of celebrating a glorified birthday, but here we are! He was grumbling the whole time but started to enjoy himself as he and Watson decorated their rooms.

Not that he would ever admit it.

Lestrade stopped by to drop off a few gifts for them, insisting that it's the spirit of Christmas, and even helped with the decorating and cooking for a little while as they waited for dinner.

The Baker Street Irregulars even stopped by to carol, insisting on getting a few coins for their performance.

Mycroft was invited for the Christmas dinner, almost creating a food fight with Sherlock in the kitchen, but luckily they were stopped. They kept making little mini-games amongst themselves to prove who was better.

In the end, they were all cozied up by a fireplace as they chatted among themselves, enjoying the winter evening.


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