|Fred Porlock| Part of the Team

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A/N: I swear Fred is so adorable and doesn't get enough screen time 🥺🥺🥺

Tag/s: Seamstress!Reader, |Care To Join?| Sequel

(Y/N): Your First Name

2nd Person's POV

It's been a couple of months since you joined the Moriartys' group.

You usually stay at the manor, helping Fred with his costumes and disguises and doing your portion of housework.

You slowly got to know everyone, seeing how nice and welcoming they all are.

You also kept your part-time job with Madam Drysdale, getting information from the customers.

As much as they are snobby and picky with their clothing, they usually were a good source of data.

You hummed to yourself as you sewed Fred's new costume, which was an old lady outfit.

"I better check on the face too if it didn't crack..." you recalled, stopping the sewing machine and checking your finished product.

You placed it on your chest, twirling it around and checking it from every side and corner.

As you twirled around, you saw Fred watering the garden.

You smiled to yourself, unconsciously watching him water the flowers.

His eyes landed on you momentarily. He shyly waved at you with a small smile.

You widened your eyes as you awkwardly smiled and waved back, scolding yourself for staring.

"Come on, (Y/N)... Focus." you slapped your cheeks, placing the finished costume on a mannequin.

"And... There!" you celebrated, hanging the mask on the mannequin carefully.

You stretched your back as you lay down on the couch, admiring your work on the mask.

You sighed in contentment as you started to drift to sleep, feeling the fatigue take over your body.

You felt yourself waking up, the sound of knocking making you open your eyes.

You slowly sat up from the couch and saw Fred by the window, smiling at waving at you with a small paper bag.

You smiled at him as you opened the window.

"Sorry to wake you up, but Louis made us some fruit tarts," he explained as he gave you the bag, a sweet smell emitting from the inside.

"Thank you," you smiled, taking a bite from one.

His head turned to the side, seeing his costume.

"You already finished it?" you nodded, licking your fingers.

"Yup!" you proudly declared, "Just need to make sure it's the right fit, and you're all set," you grinned, taking another tart from the bag.

"I see... That's amazing, (Y/N)," he complimented, making you shyly grin.

"Well, the more you do it, the more you get used to it." you commented, looking back at the dress, "What about you? You said there were some new flowers back in the greenhouse,"

"Y-Yeah... They just got in, actually," he admitted, making your eyes widen as you smiled.

"Really? Can I see them?"

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