|Moriarty Brothers| Dear Sister

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A/N: Sorry this took so long! I got tired from the family trip and fell asleep ;-;

The reader is Albert's biological older sister

Requested By: Ali_sensei

Tag/s: OlderSister!Reader, Fem!Reader, Familial!Relationship

(Y/N): Your First Name

2nd Person's POV

"Here," you took the bowl of soup and the spoon, "You shouldn't have an empty stomach," you took a spoonful and blew it, offering it to Albert.

"Aren't you going to the school today?"

"I can't really leave you like this, now, can I?" you smiled, giving him another bite.

"But the kids..."

"I'm sure they'll understand, Al," you reassured as you continued to feed him, "You should focus on getting better,"

"But..." he got cut off into a coughing fit, making you give him a glass of water as you patted his back.

"Here... Drink this," you aided him with the cup, letting him drink as his coughs slowly faded.

"I'm sure I'll be fine with a little rest," he reassured, clearing his throat.

"And I think Mother has plans to bring you to the modist for a new dress for tonight's ball," you froze at the thought of the hours wasted on trying on dresses your mother wished she could wear.

"...How about when you fall asleep, I visit them, and I'll tell you all about it?"

"Sounds like a plan,"

"I'll be back before sunset,"

As you put on your coat, you heard your parents bickering in their room.

You let out a sigh as you put on the hood, sneaking across the hallway.

"Where is that girl? I was hoping to introduce her to Viscount Sinclair's son," your mother grumbled, making your eyes widen.

'Is that why Albert wanted me to leave so badly...?' you thought, ducking behind the door.

"Calm down, dear... I'm sure (Y/N) hasn't gone far,"

"She better not be... Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a good suitor these days!?" your mother continued to complain, making you tighten your jaw as you snuck out in the back.

You let out a deep breath as you got out of the carriage, feeling as if you were freed from a cage.

"(Y/N)-sama! I thought you would be taking care of Albert-sama," Miss Sarah greeted in surprise, making you smile.

"Yes, well, Albert is resting, and I promised the kids I would read Snow White to them," you answered, keeping your smile as your parent's argument repeated in your head.

'I don't really want to be home today...'

"Excuse me," a woman called out, making you turn your head and see a woman with two blond boys.

"Could you please take these two in? They've been sneaking in the British Museum without permission..." the woman sighed as the two boys kept quiet.

"Of course! Right, (Y/N)-sama?" Miss Sarah questioned as you smiled.

"Yes, every child is welcome here," you reassured, looking at the two boys.

Upon closer inspection, you noticed they looked very similar, with matching blond hair and scarlet red eyes.

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