Simple Moments with William and Sherlock

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Tag/s: Fem!Reader, Short Stories, Fluff, Established Relationship

|William James Moriarty|

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|William James Moriarty|


"In here, love." you carefully opened the door as you walked in with a tea set in your hands.

William was sitting on the couch in front of numerous papers scattered on the coffee table.

He smiled at the sight of you as he cleaned up the table.

"Louis made us some chamomile tea," you smiled, setting the tray on the small table as you sat next to William.

"It smells delicious," he smiled, moving closer to you.

You looked around the table and saw numerous folders and test papers stacked neatly on the side with red marks.

"Exam season?"

"Yes, I just finished checking."

"How'd they do?" you asked as your eyes focused on making the tea.

"The students are doing better than I expected," William complimented as you poured his drink.

"They do have a great professor," you smiled, making William chuckle.

"Well, the fact that they listened to my lectures is a surprise by itself," he added as he kissed the side of your head, picking up his cup.

You carefully stirred your drink as you blew into it, seeing steam still coming out.

You two quietly enjoyed each other's company as William read a book in his hand and lazily played with your locks in the other.

You contently smiled as you rested your head on his shoulder, making William smile as he rested his head on top of yours.

Curious, you put down your cup as you took a test paper from the stack, seeing numerous scribbles and erasures accompanied by foreign equations and shapes.

"Geometry?" you asked, guessing what the subject was.

"Trigonometry, love." he corrected, his eyes focused on his book.

"Oh..." you muttered, reading over the solution of the student.

"How did he get this wrong?" you asked, squinting your eyes.

William looked over to you and closed his book, taking note of the page he was on.

He looked over the number you mentioned and pointed at the formula.

"He used the wrong formula here," he explained, making you hum in understanding.

"...Was it supposed to be this one?" you asked, pointing at a different solution.

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