|Sherlock Holmes| Can We Just Talk?

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A/N: Sorry it's so short I can't think of anything atm ^^"

Tag/s: Request, Short, Sequel |But You're An Ocean Away|

(Y/N): Your First Name

2nd Person's POV

"What are you doing, Sherlock?" John asked as the two men stopped by the gates.

"What are you talking about?" Sherlock asked, making John furrow his brows.

"I mean, what are you doing leaving the party when (Y/N)'s right there!?" he asked, pointing back at the manor.

"You need to fix this before it's too late. You can't keep running away,"

"Who said I was running away?" Sherlock retorted, looking back to John.

"You saw her having a good time without us, without me." Sherlock gritted his teeth as he balled his fists.

"...I don't want to spoil the night for her," he muttered, walking out of the gate.

The silence lingered as Sherlock called over for a carriage.

"Lestrade can take our place. We've lingered long enough anyway," Sherlock waved off as a carriage stopped by the gates.

"Wait!" you shouted as you ran out of the manor, stopping Sherlock and John.

"(Y/N)?" Sherlock questioned as he looked at you in disbelief.

John let out a sigh as he walked by Sherlock, getting in the carriage by himself.

"I'll go home first, talk it out with (Y/N)," John told Sherlock as the carriage went off, leaving the detective no choice.

You managed to reach him, taking deep breaths as you held onto your knees.

"How... did you... leave... so... fast...!?" you asked in between breaths as you regained your composure.

"...What are you doing here?" Sherlock asked, his brows furrowed as he observed your expressions.

"I wanted to talk to you," you answered in a serious tone as you looked around.

"Let's go over there," you pointed over to an empty gazebo, "I don't want other people hearing us..."

"...All right," Sherlock replied as he followed you, keeping quiet the whole way.

You let out a sneeze as you sat down, not realizing how cold the night would be.

Sherlock let out a sigh as he took off his jacket, draping it over your shoulders.

"So? What did you want to talk about?" he asked, leaning onto the doorway with crossed arms as he looked down on his feet.

"Right..." you mumbled, fiddling with your feet, "...I wanted to apologize,"

Sherlock's eyes widened as he looked over to you in disbelief.

"I know you've been working hard and getting stressed over the cases. I shouldn't have yelled at you," you quickly stood up, wrapping Sherlock's jacket around your figure.

"But I still think you should take better care of yourself!" you added, standing up and furrowing your brows at him.

"John said you haven't been eating properly, and I was worried," you added, making Sherlock smile with a chuckle.

"Idiot... I should be the one apologizing," he muttered, pulling you to his chest as he put his head on your shoulder.

You're right... I've been too focused on the case, and I got frustrated and... I'm sorry..." Sherlock sighed, tightening his hold around your waist.

You lightly laughed as you wrapped your arms around his neck.

"...Do you wanna get back to the party? Get some food or dance?" Sherlock offered, making you pull back and give him a confused look.

"...You want to go back to the party?" you repeated, wanting to make sure you heard him right.

Sherlock sighed as he looked away, "It'll be a waste if we don't enjoy it, right?" he mumbled, his ears turning slightly pink.

"That's true... I haven't even tried the buffet yet,"

"Then let's go," Sherlock grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the gazebo.

"Or do you just wanna stay here and catch a cold?" he sarcastically asked, making you laugh.

"All right... Let's go back,"

As you both walked back to the party, you saw Sir Thompson giving you a supportive smile and a thumbs up.

"Thank you," you mouthed as you and Sherlock headed to the buffet.

"What is it?" Sherlock asked, grabbing a plate for you both.

"It's nothing." you shook your head with a smile, wrapping your arm around Sherlock's.

Sherlock raised a brow but shrugged it off, not complaining about your sudden display of affection.


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