|Louis Moriarty| Sick Day

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Tag/s: Fluff

(Y/N): Your First Name

2nd Person's POV

As you prepared breakfast, you noticed Louis was later than usual.

'That's weird... He's usually down by now...' you glanced at the clock and saw that thirty minutes had already passed.

You bit your lip worriedly as you quickly plated everyone's meals.

'Maybe William knows...' you thought, preparing his breakfast tray and going straight to his office.

You knocked on William's door gently, balancing the tray in your arms.

"Come in," he faintly replied as you slowly opened the door.

"Good morning (Y/N)," he politely smiled as he stashed his papers in his case.

"Good morning," you greeted back as you put the tray on his desk, setting it up.

"Have you seen Louis?" you asked, making him glance up at you.

"I'm afraid I haven't... Didn't he prepare breakfast with you?"

You shook your head.

"I haven't seen him the whole morning..."

"Is that so..." he muttered, standing up from his seat.

"Shall we check up on him?"

William gently knocked on Louis's door, opening it slightly.

You peeked over his shoulder and noticed that Louis was still in bed.

"Louis?" he called out as he opened the lights, earning a strained cough as a reply.

"William-nii-san? (Y/N)...?" Louis called out weakly, sitting up and checking the clock.

"It's this late already?" he muttered in shock, quickly getting out of bed only to stumble and fall on the floor.

"Louis!" you called out, quickly going to his side and putting his arm on your shoulder, propping him up to his bed.

"It appears you have a fever," William frowned, placing a hand on Louis's forehead.

"I-I'm fine..." he insisted, trying to stand up.

"Don't be stubborn, Louis," you scolded, pulling him back down by his shoulders, "You might get worse or get others sick too,"

"You should rest for the day," William advised, placing the blanket over his brother, "I can take a day off today-"

"-No!" Louis shouted, balling his fists.

The air became tense as you and William looked at each other worriedly.

"I-I'm okay, really," Louis insisted with a forced smile, trying to get out of bed, but he was shaking.

"Louis," you put a hand on his cheek, making him look at you.

"Please... Just rest for the day," you pleaded, making his breath hitch.

He let out a sigh as he sat back down, making you smile.

"I'll take care of everything here, so don't worry and get to work," you reassured William, surprising the two.

"But what about-"

"-I'll take care of the manor today, so don't worry!" you smiled, but Louis still looked wary.

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