|Albert, Sebastian, + Sherlock| Pregnant!S/O's Childbirth

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|Albert James Moriarty|

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|Albert James Moriarty|

-He is the most engaged and involved compared to the other two, wanting to stay by your side for the whole nine months.

-Well, he usually stays out of your sight when he wants a drink of wine.

-He doesn't want you to be jealous, and he gives in too easily to your puppy eyes.

-Even when he's away, he's checking up on you and calls you back almost immediately.

-He's also very patient with your mood swings, giving you everything you need, from cravings to a shoulder to cry on as you watch a sad movie.

-Louis or Jack usually are the ones who stop Albert from giving you food that pregnant women can't have.

-If you ever need to go outside, he's always by your side or someone from the group.

-He makes sure he's by your side or near a phone when it's almost time for your labor.

-The moment your water broke, he's calling an ambulance with the baby bag on his shoulder.

-He's holding your hand the whole time as he gives you words of encouragement.

-The moment the doctor gives you your child, he's speechless.

-It looked like the world stopped for him, but you can see his eyes water as he whispers to you and your child about how happy he is.

-He is very excited for your child to meet his uncles, knowing you're all working hard to make the world a better place for them to live in.

-He works harder for William's plan, along with spending more time with you and your own little family.

-If Albert can, he'd bring you all along during his trips, so he doesn't have to be away from you all the time, and he gets to show his child the world.

|Sebastian Moran|

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|Sebastian Moran|

-He is the most in denial about all of this.

-Like it would take a handful of doctors AND William to convince him that you're pregnant with his child.

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