💟 |James Bonde| "Hey, wanna take advantage of the couple's discount today?"

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A/N: Sorry he seems OOC!

Requested By: ashleysilly23

Tag/s: Fluff, Established Relationship

(N/N): Your Nickname
(Y/N): Your First Name

2nd Person's POV

"(N/N)!" James called out, running towards you at full speed.

He wrapped his arms around you tightly, lifting you up from the ground as he spun you around before putting you back down.

"Wanna take advantage of the couple's discount today?" he asked with sparkling eyes, making you lightly laugh.

"Sure," you smiled, knowing you couldn't say no with that look in his eyes.

He grinned before placing his hands on the sides of your face, placing a big kiss on your lips.

"Let's go!"

You two spent the rest of your day walking around the town.

Buying what caught your eyes, going to restaurants and trying out Valentine's exclusive items, even going to an amusement park for the discount, and going on every ride you could.

"Here you lovebirds go, happy Valentine's day!"

"Happy Valentine's day," you and James greeted back, taking a bite of your food.

Your eyes widened in delight as you took another bite, almost melting in your seat.

"This is amazing...!" you complimented, taking one bite after another.

James chuckled as he reached his hand out to you, wiping some chocolate off your lips.

"Take it easy. You don't want to choke on your food," James joked, licking off the chocolate on his fingers.

"R-Right..." you mumbled, slowly chewing as you savored the food.

As you continued to eat, you noticed James would look at you from time to time, making you grow conscious.

"Am I that fun to watch?" you taunted, covering your mouth with your arm as James smiled.

"Yes, actually... You look so cute enjoying your food. I couldn't help myself," he admitted, making your face grow redder.

"Just eat your food..."

"Yes, yes..."

"Hah, that was so much fun!" James beamed as you two sat on the park bench to rest.

"It sure was," you agreed, sighing on content as you leaned back, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere.

"Which place was your favorite?" you asked, turning over to James as he leaned back to you.

"Definitely the amusement park... I never knew you could scream so loud," he grinned, making you scoff and hit his chest lightly.

"I told you I wasn't any good with roller coasters!"

"I know, I just wanted you to hold onto me," he shamelessly admitted, making you roll your eyes.

"What about you?" he asked, nudging you lightly, "What was your favorite part?" he asked, making you think.

"...Probably the cafe with those love potion drinks. They were so good!" you reminisced, making James chuckle.

"That's a good one... We should go there again next year,"

"Mhm," you nodded, leaning your head to his shoulder.

"But you know what's the best part?" he asked, making you look up at him.


"I get to show you off," he grinned, making you sputter as you pushed him off.

"Oh, God... That was so cheesy," you laughed as you covered your face, making him pull you back by your wrist.

"Hey! That was romantic," he proudly declared, making you roll your eyes.

"Uh-huh... Whatever you say..." you giggled, leaning closer to the crook of his neck.

"You love me," he teased, putting a hand on your cheek as he placed his forehead onto yours.

"Unfortunately, I do... A lot," you smiled, closing the gap with a kiss.


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