Pregnant!S/O with Sebastian Moran

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Tag/s: Headcanons

-Not gonna lie... a LOT of people thought he was gonna run when you found out you were pregnant.

-However, it just made him more protective of you, knowing how dangerous childbirth could be. (Especially during that time)

-You are NOT allowed in missions anymore. Even when it's only been a day since you were pregnant.

-Even if your only role is to stand around or be a lookout? Nah. You're staying home.

-He actually goes and helps a lot more with the house chores, not wanting you to overexert yourself.

-If he notices that you're uncomfortable or hurt, he's immediately by your side.

-He doesn't go to bars and gamble anymore during your pregnancy, knowing you can't even drink alcohol.

-He always pulls up your hair during your morning sickness and gives you reassuring words.

-He's not really fazed by it all, knowing way more drunkards in a far worse state.

-Whenever you feel down or insecure because of your new body, he always reassures you that you are still the most beautiful woman in his eyes.

-When you two are walking outside, his whole focus is on you and making sure no one bumps into you or hurts you in some way.

-Does not have a dang clue about being a parent or how to raise a kid. But a man can learn.

-He tries to be supportive during all the baby events, no matter how much he does not want to be there.

-But it's for you, so it's okay.

-Over time, he actually gets a little excited about your child.

-All the talks you had as you both lounged around about your child and their future made him excited to meet them.


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