|Sebastian & Albert| None of the Above

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Requested By: QyuriAreum

Tag/s: Slight Angst? Not really, though

(Y/N): Your First Name

2nd Person's POV

You let out a sigh as you leaned on the wall, watching Sebastian hit another bullseye.

The crowd cheered while his opponent scowled, glaring daggers at the colonel.

"Wow! You're amazing, Mr. Moran," a woman cooed, grabbing his arm as she pushed her chest to him.

"Yes, how did you get so good at darts?" another asked, doing the same to his other arm.

You rolled your eyes as you checked your pocket watch, seeing it's been a late night.

You quickly slipped through the crowd, pulling Sebastian by the ear.

"Hey!" the woman complained, glaring at you while you kept pulling Sebastian away.

"Look," you whispered as you let him go, "If you're gonna sleep with someone tonight, be my guest. But I'll be going home now before Louis scolds me,"

"Oh, relax, (Y/N)," he put an arm around your waist, "This won't take long,"

"It won't take long!" you repeated, hiding under Sebastian's coat as you two ran in the rain.

"Did you have to challenge that guy's friends too!?"

"They're the ones who started it!" Sebastian retorted, making you roll your eyes.

"If I get sick, I'm blaming you!"

"Oh, please," Sebastian abruptly stopped, scooping your legs up and catching you by surprise.

"Hey!" you shouted, punching his chest as you hid your face.

"We'll get home faster this way," he smirked, carrying you through the whole way.

"Achoo!" you sneezed, wrapping the towel around you while Louis offered you tea.

"And what was the reason for your late return, this time?" Louis asked, eyeing Sebastian as he drank his tea.

"... I was playing darts and got carried away," you answered, making the two men look back at you, "Sorry, I wasn't expecting it to rain," you nervously chuckled.

Louis raised a brow at Sebastian, who shrugged his shoulder, making him sigh.

"Well... I guess it's fine, but please be more aware of your surroundings, (Y/N),"

"Yeah, of course," you smiled as Louis walked off, preparing dinner in the kitchen.

When you made sure Louis was out of earshot, you rushed over to Sebastian and smacked his arm.

"I told you!" you shouted in a whisper as Sebastian rubbed his arm.

"Yeah, yeah... Thanks for covering for me," he smiled, pulling you by the waist, making you put your hands on his shoulder.

You felt your cheeks heat up with how close his face was, but you quickly covered it with his towel and pulled away.

"Next time, I'm just gonna let Louis maim you," you sighed, drying yourself with your towel.

Sebastian chuckled as he rubbed your towel on your head, "Yes, yes, I'm sorry..." he said half-heartedly, drying your hair.

"I won't let it happen again," he added, but you knew it was an empty promise.

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