|Sherlock Holmes| SFW Alphabet

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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)

He doesn't conventionally show a lot of affection. He's very awkward with physical touch, does not do compliments all that well, can't really buy you extravagant gifts, but he shows how much he loves you through spending time with you. He brings you to every case he has, tries to invite you over during his free time, listens to each word you say, and asks for your opinions during investigations (even though he already has it solved)

B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)

Chaotic. You are both John and Miss Hudson's worst nightmare. They always try to keep a close eye on you two while doing an experiment or just hanging out. It would either you would have a crazy idea, and Sherlock makes it crazier, or vice versa. Though, in retrospect, you have more impulse control than the detective. When it's too much, you put on the brakes. You're also Sherlock's social etiquette coach. If he says or does something out of line, you tell him what's wrong. You two would meet while you were looking for a place to live, and 221B had an extra room just within your budget.

C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)

Not so much at the start, but slowly, he opens up to the idea. His favorite is laying his head on your lap while lying on the couch. He was very awkward at first, not knowing where to put his hands, how he should sit, making sure you were comfortable. Slowly, it's become a daily routine. He prefers to be the little spoon, but he doesn't mind being the cuddler either.

D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)

Sherlock never really thought of romance or love as something he needed in his life, so settling down with someone never crossed his mind. However, he had thought of you moving in with him when John went off to get married to Mary. Sherlock really likes the idea of waking up and seeing you there early in the morning and ending the day with you two cuddling in bed. Doesn't really see the point of a wedding ceremony, but if you want to do it, he'd go along and plan out the perfect engagement. John just inhaled through his teeth at the thought of Sherlock's domestic skills. He doesn't really care that much, but if it's for you, he'll straighten out the flat every once in a while. Cooking is... a process. You'd have to teach him the ropes.

E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)

He'd be brutally honest with you. He won't hold anything back since he thinks there's no point in lying or hiding. It may come off as offensive or hurtful, but he just wants you to know the truth. He'd take whatever you have dished out on him, thinking he deserves it. He'd just play the violin all the time, trying not to show how much he's hurt and upset. He'd take whatever case he gets, just to focus on something else.

F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)

He doesn't really the point of weddings. You two are already very faithful and can't imagine being with someone else. What's so different from putting on a ring and having a party? But if you do want a wedding, it takes him a while to muster up the courage to ask you. He'd want to get married when he knows he can take care of you and himself.

G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)

He can be pretty untactful when he doesn't want to, but he's very gentle when handling your relationship. Wanting you to feel comfortable and loved as much as he can. He holds your hand, tries to confirm how much he loves you when he can, and tries not to go over any line. Emotionally, he's not too good. He's a very closed person, so it'll take a while until he opens up. But when you're upset, he tries everything he can think of to make you feel better.

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