|William & Sherlock| That's My Best Friend

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A/N: She a real bad bi-- I tried my best to make them share brain cells, but it's a little hard since Will and Sherl only first met at the Noahtic ^^"

Requested By: ShiannK_

Tag/s: Platonic

(Y/N): Your First Name
(L/N): Your Last Name

2nd Person's POV

"Come on, Sherl... Don't be such a drama king," you huffed with your hands on your hips, glaring at Sherlock, who was just a lump underneath a blanket on his bed.

"No..." he grumbled under the covers, making you sigh.

"You promised!" you defended, walking over to him and grabbing the blanket.

"That was before you told me we were going on a cruise! And you know I don't deal with people!" he retorted, keeping a tight hold as you two fought.

"Yeah, but my other friend canceled on me! Something about busy with his work,"

"Wow, so happy to know I was your second choice,"

You frowned at his comment as you let go, grabbing his ankles as he grabbed onto the bedpost.

"That's because you were busy with a case! But now, you're not! And I don't want to go there alone!" you explained, pulling him as he held on.

You strained, pulling Sherlock by the ankles as he held onto the bedpost.

"Besides! You barely leave the flat, and it's more fun if you're around--oof!" you accidentally let go of Sherlock, making you stumble back as he landed back on his bed.

You let out a groan as you sat up, seeing Sherlock bury back under the blankets.

"...I'm paying for the whole trip," you coaxed, making Sherlock freeze. "There's also a huge buffet, and I'll pay for everything," you added, making Sherlock's head poke out.


"Everything..." you reassured until something clicked in your mind,

"Except for damages you might cause. That's all on you,"

"HEY! COME BACK HERE!" the guard shouted as he and the other guards chased you and Sherlock across the deck, making you laugh.

"I told you not to put those dyes in the pool!"

"Says the one who distracted the lifeguard!" Sherlock grinned, grabbing your arm as he made a sharp turn, making them lose sight of you two.

When you saw that they were gone, you let out your laugh as Sherlock snickered, relaxing against the wall.

"Oh, man... Did you see the look on his face?"

"He looked like a goddamn rainbow, that's for sure," he joked, making you laugh.

"Hah... Thanks for coming with me," you smiled, making Sherlock stop.

"Well, I feel bad for leaving you all alone," he mumbled, making you roll your eyes as you punch his arm.

"Besides, who was that friend that bailed on you?" he asked, helping you up.

"Oh, just a colleague of mine back in the university. I think you'd get along with him, actually," you answered casually, looking around the floor to make sure the guards didn't follow you.

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