|William James Moriarty| Here For You

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Tag/s: Fem!Reader, Slight Angst

2nd Person's POV

"Will, I was hoping you to talk to you about-" you called out to William, but he kept walking away as he went to his office, locking the door.

You let out a sigh and hugged your books close to your chest.

"All right... Some other time then," you sadly smiled, retreating to your room.

It's been a couple of days since Milverton's death, and William has been acting strange ever since.

He refuses to stay alone in the same room with you, barely holding a conversation and always locking himself in his office.

You knew his plan involved him actually dying, and you gave your word that you'd follow his every command when you joined the team...

But isn't this a little too much?

You let out a sigh and slapped your cheeks, refusing to give up.

"(Y/N)?" a soft voice called out, catching your attention.

You saw Fred behind you, looking at you worriedly.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah... Could be better, but you know," you shrugged, smiling at the boy.

"...Is it about Mr. William?" he asked, surprising you.

"I know you want to help him... and so do I," he admitted, determination in his eyes.

You let out a smile and hugged the boy, relieved someone felt the same way you did.

"Thank you... Fred," you whispered as you pulled away from the hug.

"Now, I have an idea."

As the clock strikes twelve, you put on your coat and quietly get out of your room.

As you closed the door, you saw Fred getting out of his room.

You nodded at each other as you both went out of the manor.

You felt a chill run down your spine as the cold air hit you as soon as you two walked out of the gates.

"You ready?" you asked Fred as you rubbed your hands for warmth.

"Yes," he gave you a determined smile, "Mr. William should be at the Cawston's house,"

As you arrive at the noble's manor, screams can be heard from the inside.

"Let's go through the back," Fred suggested as you snuck inside, shadows of people running around frantically as gunshots echoed through the hall.

"You should wait here, just until everything calms down," Fred whispered as he snuck through inside, leaving you hiding in the kitchen.

You took a deep breath as you looked through the open door, wanting to know what was happening.

A few minutes have passed, and it became eerily quiet.

You raised your head as you quietly walked up to the doorway, checking if there was anyone there.

You saw a shadow running in your direction and saw it was Fred.

You sighed in relief as you slumped your shoulders, walking out of your spot.

"Fred?" William called out, making you go back to your hiding place.

"M-Mr. William!" Fred replied as you saw William's shadow appearing from the halls.

"What are you doing here?" William asked as you kept quiet, unsure if this was a good time to say that you tagged along.

"Miss (Y/N) was worried about you," Fred answered, looking over to your direction, "So I wanted to help her."

William let out a sigh and rubbed his temples.

"I see..." he muttered, clearly exhausted, "I appreciate your concern, but you don't need to worry. The plan will continue no matter what,"

You felt your heart drop to your stomach.

"Every single demon walking on this Earth must be exterminated, including me."

"But Mr. William, you're different!" Fred argued, almost shouting.

"They've only done bad things for selfish reasons, but you are only executing judgment that no one else can! If anyone deserved to die, it's them, not you..."

"Judgement, is it...?" William mumbled, taking out a cigarette as he lit it up, smoking it.

"Truthfully, I don't enjoy smoking, you know? Neither did (Y/N) since it pollutes the lungs," William confessed, making you peak through the doorway.

"I don't consider the actions I'm taking to be in the name of justice. I've never believed that a person has the right to pass judgment on another..."

"Huh?" you and Fred breathed out in shock.

'What are you saying...?' you thought as you gripped the doorway.

"No matter how heinous the person was, I am cognizant of the ever-accumulating offenses that I am committing." William looked down at his hands, a sad look in his eyes.

You felt your heart ache at the sight, wanting to console him but don't know how.

"My scarlet stained hands... There is no way, no matter what I do, to rub this stain out."

"So you see, Fred..." William breathed out, looking up, "...I am more than ready to die already." he smiled with closed eyes, breaking your heart.

You stumbled out of the room, catching the two men's attention.

"(Y/N)?" William called out, standing up as he looked at you in surprise.

You tightened your jaw as your tears started to fall, unable to hold them in anymore.

You started running to William, squeezing him into a hug as your tears stained his coat.

Will's eyes widened in surprise but slowly relaxed under your touch and caressed your head.

"...How long have you been there?" he asked as you pulled away but kept your arms around him.

"I was there the whole time... I know we shouldn't have followed you here, but I just... We couldn't..." You choked, wiping your tears as William patiently listened to you.

"...You're important to us, Will... Nothing will ever change that..." you started, slowly calming down.

"We're all here for you together, right from the start." you gently grabbed his hands, intertwining your fingers with his.

"That's why we agreed to be a part of your plan, to make the world a better place, no matter what..." you held his hands close to your chest.

"No matter how dirty our hands will get or how many sins we will carry," you caressed William's hands with your thumbs as you looked up at him.

"So, please... Don't carry all of it on your back..." William looked away from you as his hold on your hands tightened.

You bit your lip as you raised a hand to his face, caressing his cheek.

Fred slowly walked up to you two and grabbed William's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Let us help you, Will... Don't leave us like this..."


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