|Moriarty Brothers| Domestic Headcanons

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Tag/s: Headcanons, Established Relationship

|Albert James Moriarty|

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|Albert James Moriarty|

-Don't ever. Let Albert in the kitchen.

-He can do other household chores (as taught by you and his brothers), but you're in charge of the kitchen.

-He's usually in charge of cleaning, knowing he has a system with where things go or how they are arranged.

-He loves doing chores with you, especially going to the market.

-You two always go arm in arm as you lead him to where you need to go.

-He also buys you little gifts when you go out, so you have to watch your budget (even when he insists that you don't need to).

-Affections galore! He loves to wake up and give you a kiss or a quick snuggle in bed.

-He even dances with you in the living room or in the kitchen when you play music and goes to bed with you in his arms.

-He's always hugging or close to you, especially after a trip and he couldn't bring you with him.

-Speaking of trips, he always tries to bring you with him and sneak in a date or two, not wanting you to be cooped up in your house.

-At one of your anniversaries, he tried to make you breakfast in bed.

-Albert followed the recipe to the letter and even asked Louis for help.

-But it always came out burned, underseasoned, or underdone.

-You woke up at the smell from the kitchen and fearing the worst, you quickly stood up and ran downstairs.

-You saw Albert and Louis in the kitchen with black smoke coming out of the stove.

-Albert revealed his surprise, showing a plate of your favorite breakfast burned to a charcoal black.

-You could clearly tell Albert was disappointed even when he kept a smile along with the number of plates in the sink and the other failed experiments in the kitchen.

-Not wanting him to be upset, you took a big bite from his work.

-Surprisingly, it tasted way better than it looked, and you finished it in one go.

-Even Louis was surprised.

-You could tell Albert was extremely happy, but he still wants to improve his cooking skills.

-After that, he always observes you when you cook, helping as much as he can and trying to learn.

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