|James Bonde/Irene Adler| Slow Dance With You

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A/N: I was gonna do the Marceline Medley but it got too long ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Tag/s: Sequel!In Another Life, Songfic, Fem!Reader

Song: "Slow Dance With You" from Adventure Time

(N/N): Your Nickname

2nd Person's POV

"My Lady?" you called out in a whisper, slowly opening the door of the ballroom.

The moonlight shone through the large windows, illuminating the whole room as it sparkled against the light.

"Miss Adler?" you called out again, looking around the room.

"(N/N)...!" Irene called out in a hushed tone, snapping you out of your daze.

You turned around and saw her slowly closing the door as she ran up to you.

"My Lady!" you breathed out a smile as she tackled you, squeezing you tightly before letting you go.

"Might I ask why you called me out here so late?" you asked, making her smile mischievously.

"Well... Tomorrow, there will be a ball at the castle, right?" she asked, holding you by the hand as she led you to the middle of the room.

"Yes...?" you confirmed as you followed her curiously.

"Well, I wanted to brush up on my dancing," she grinned, raising up your hand as she placed the other one on your waist.

Your face warmed up, and you quickly looked down on the ground.

"W-Wouldn't it be better if the king was your partner?" you suggested, not sure if you can take how close she is to you.

"Hmm... I guess, but it's more fun if it's you!" she smiled, twirling you around as she danced, pulling you along.

You stumbled around your feet, almost falling on top of her.

Irene chuckled as you quickly pulled up, eventually getting the hang of it.

"Say, (N/N)," you looked up at Irene curiously, "Do you know any ballroom songs?"

You narrowed your eyes at her, knowing where this was leading.

"No... I don't even know how to sing," you denied, making her pout.

"Oh, come on! I'm sure you'll do fine! Besides, you have to follow my orders, remember?" she grinned, excitement in her eyes.

You sent her a glare and sighed in defeat.

"You're mean sometimes, you know?" you pouted as you racked your brain for any songs.

"I'm not quite sure if this counts, but I've heard it a couple of times before. Don't expect anything great," you warned as you cleared your throat, closing your eyes.

"Slow dance with you..."

Irene slowly smiled as she listened to you sing softly, leaning to you slightly.

"I just wanna slow dance with you.

I know all the other boys are tough and smooth,

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