Moriarty Brothers with the Holmes's Younger Sister

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Tag/s: Fem!Reader, Familial Relationship, Headcanons

-First and foremost, you're basically the common sense of the Holmes.

-Despite being the youngest, you act the most responsible... Well, you don't really have a choice.

-When your two i̶d̶i̶o̶t̶i̶c̶ older brothers bickering, you're the one who usually reels them back to reality or stops them when it gets out of hand. You're also one of the few people who don't want to get angry or upset with them.

-You're the only one who made Sherlock and Mycroft apologize.

-...It was back when you were kids, and they ruined your favorite toy.

-Your two brothers are also fiercely protective of you.

-Sherlock taught you how to fight and defend yourself when you needed to. Sometimes he even has you as his sparring partner.

-Mycroft always made sure you were safe, either with you having a bodyguard or having someone keep an eye on you while you're out.

-Heaven forbid someone started courting you.

-Don't be shocked if the whole MI6, government officials, and police raid your suitor's place.

-You knew your two brothers were popular and well-known for their intelligence, much more than you, but you didn't mind.

-It just makes it sweeter to see the shocked reactions of people who doubted you as they fumble with their words, not wanting to offend you further.

-You knew you were at a disadvantage, being younger than them and being a woman during this period...

-...But God knows you had the same pride and arrogance as the two, refusing to be submissive to anyone, no matter who they were.

-You regularly visit them, Sherlock, usually more so since you know how he can be.

-You're not worried about Mycroft, but you usually visit him in the office with some kind of pastry or snack that you two can enjoy as you chat.

-While you were looking around a bakery, a man your age with blond hair came inside, his bangs hiding a scar on his left cheek.

-Raising a brow, you felt that the man would be an interesting character.

-The baker greeted him cheerfully, saying his name was Moriarty.

-Your eyes widened at the name, but you decided to keep your cool, not wanting to raise suspicion.

-Your brothers talked about that clever family, the oldest being the leader of the MI6 and the middle one was a math professor, but the third one was a mystery.

-You, yourself, were curious about it ever since the strange fire at their home.

-You wanted to know more about the man but decided not to converse with him, seeing he doesn't seem to be the friendly type, but you took a mental note.

-After the bakery, you headed straight to Mycroft's office, waltzing inside as if you were in some kind of museum.

-That's when Albert met you, and he offered to give you directions.

-You noticed that he was a cut above the rest and accepted his request.

-You tried starting a conversation with him, wanting to know more about the mysterious man without being rude.

-As you two talked, Mycroft saw you two as he passed by and immediately pulled you behind him.

-You saw the shocked expression of Albert as Mycroft reluctantly introduced you two, saying you were his younger sister.

-'So he is one of the Moriartys...' you thought with a smile, shaking his hand politely.

-After you visited Mycroft, you decided to go to Sherlock next, knowing you'd have to force him to clean up.

-Miss Hudson practically sees you as her younger sister already, so she lets you keep a spare key to surprise your brother.

-You also wanted to meet his new roommate and author of his books, so you were pretty excited.

-You always tried to make a good impression when meeting someone, especially after hearing good things about John Watson from Sherlock and Miss Hudson.

-It was clear as day that he was shocked at how kind and polite you were compared to Sherlock.

-However, Sherlock quickly dissolves your image as he exposes what your true nature was.

-Being his little sister, you threw a pillow onto his face as you two started to bicker.

-You apologized to John Watson, saying that you really enjoyed his books and how he portrayed your brother was interesting.

-And for revenge, you revealed some things about Sherlock to his best friend.

-...Like not knowing the Earth goes around the sun.

-After your visit, Albert decided to inform William of the third Holmes, hoping you won't interfere much with their plans.

-As Louis listened to Albert describe you, he immediately realized that you were with him in the bakery.

-Knowing this, William tried to get more information about you.

-He eventually prepared a puzzle for you, the same one as Sherlock's, to test your abilities.

-Knowing what your brothers have gone through, you have some advantage as you got yourself out of trouble.

-You tried not to reveal much about yourself, knowing someone might be watching you.

-You eventually solved your puzzle without Sherlock or Mycroft intervening. You'd have the Moriartys to thank for that.

-By the end, you accidentally stumbled upon Louis, or by what has happened, on purpose.

-Seeing this as an opportunity, you smiled at him and gave him your thanks for letting you play along in their little game.

-It wasn't exactly a threat, but Louis's reaction was quite a sight to see.

-He looked down at you and said that you won't get your way, making you raise your brow in amusement.

-You lightly laughed, putting on a show for the public before they get suspicious.

-You reassured Louis that you weren't exactly easy to deal with... and your brothers would agree.

-You smiled as you said farewell, saying you can't wait to see him again soon as he glared daggers at you.

-You smirked to yourself and waved goodbye, looking over your shoulder and seeing the two older brothers watching you.

-William smiled widely, intrigued by the youngest Holmes and thinking of how to string you along to their little play.


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