|Sherlock & William| First Time Holding Hands Headcanons

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Tag/s: Headcanons, Short, Established Relationship

(Y/N): Your First Name

|William James Moriarty|

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|William James Moriarty|

-He definitely planned everything to be as romantic and memorable as possible.

-You two were on a date, either in the gardens, through a park, or in a museum exhibit.

-He made sure that no one would disturb you two, wanting it to be as perfect as it could be.

-He was acting pretty calm about it, but you noticed he would glance at your hands every now and then.

-But unfortunately, luck wasn't on his side.

-The temperature dropped quickly, making your breath fog up when you two were outside.

-He frowned at this but decided that his plan could still be in motion with the cool weather.

-You forgot about your gloves, not thinking it would be that cold, and now it felt like your fingers were going to fall off.

-You kept breathing into your hands, rubbing them together for warmth.

-William quickly noticed this and held your hands unknowingly as he checked up on you.

-"Are you alright, love? Do you want to buy a new pair? We can still go back to the manor,"

-His voice went from one ear to the other when you felt his warm hands wrap around yours, now taking back all the curses you said for forgetting your gloves.

-Noticing your distracted state, he let out a light laugh as he took out his left glove, putting it in your right hand and holding your other hand.

-"There," he smiled, putting your hand and his in his coat pocket.

-"Luckily, Louis put in a pocket warmer,"

-You two laughed at the incident, keeping close together as you went on with your date.

-His hands were soft and smooth, rubbing his thumb against your hand everyone and then.

-It might not have been according to his plan, but you still get butterflies and smile at the memory.

|Sherlock Holmes|

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|Sherlock Holmes|

-Boy, was he NERVOUS.

-Someone help this man.

-Romance was never his strong suit, but neither is physical affection.

-He kept thinking of scenarios on how to approach it. What could be the best way to hold your hand.

-Sherlock knows he isn't the best romantic partner with how he is and his work. So, he wants to make it up to you whenever he can.

-This boy legit went to romance books and plays for references.

-Poor Watson became his practice partner-

--Anyway, the first time he held your hand was when you guys were on a case.

-You guys were walking through London when people started to crowd, making it hard to catch up with Sherlock and Watson.

-"We should be able to get there on time at this pace-"

-When Sherlock looked back, you were nowhere to be found.

-"(Y/N)...? (Y/N)? (Y/N)!?"

-The poor people got pushed around as Sherlock looked around you frantically, fearing the worst.

-Hearing your boyfriend's voice, you reached out your hand and jumped as high as you could as you called out to him.

-Sherlock luckily saw you in the sea of people, rushing over to your hand as he grabbed it and pulled you close to him.

-"You idiot! What the hell happened to you!?" he asked angrily, holding you gently as he kept you close and shielding you from the crowd.

-You couldn't help but smile at the difference between his words and his actions.

-For the rest of the case, Sherlock kept you close and unknowingly kept holding your hand.

-When the case was solved, Sherlock realized it and quickly pulled away.

-He muttered some apologies and excuses, but his face was flushed pink.

-He was a little disappointed, wanting it to be more special. But when you grabbed his hand again and intertwined your fingers, those thoughts quickly went away.

-His hands were a bit clammy and rough, but it was very gentle and loving.


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