|Albert James Moriarty| Sleepless Night

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A/N: Sorry this took so long, we visited my grandma twice and we always go home at around like 11pm so my brain is just mush when we get home :') I'm not used to angst but I did my best ^^"


Tag/s: Request, Heavy Angst but with Fluff Ending

Warning/s: Kidnapping, Torture, Profanity

(Y/N): Your First Name

2nd Person's POV

"(Y/N), please... I don't have time for this," Albert muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose.

You frowned at this but kept your stand.

You were away on what's supposed to be a vacation, but the MI6 kept calling, and Albert couldn't stay in his office too long.

"Albert, you need to rest. You've been overworking yourself," you pleaded again, your voice softer and gentler as you reached out to him.

"When you do sleep, it's only for three hours at most! I rarely see you anymore," you continued as you stepped closer to him.

He raised his hand, making you stop as he let out another sigh.

"Just... I can take care of my own, okay? I don't need you to-!" he stopped himself when he noticed the raise of his voice and your surprised expression.

"... Just... leave." he looked away from you, taking another file from his desk.

Your heart twisted sadly at his words, but you silently nodded, not wanting to start a fight in the middle of the night.

"All right..." you muttered, walking out of his office.

You let out a sigh as you walked into your shared hotel bedroom, but your thoughts were interrupted when you noticed an open window.

You raised a brow as you looked around, seeing broken glass on the floor.

You let out a gasp, and before you could react, someone grabbed you from behind, shoving a rag onto your face.

You tried to scream and kick him off, but the drug quickly got to you.

"Wake up,"

A bucket of cold water suddenly washed over you, making you jump.

You looked around quickly, noticing you were in some abandoned warehouse with strangers.

"Who the hell are you?" you snarled, feeling the rope scratch your wrists and ankles.

"I wouldn't be so bad-tempered if I were you," one of them scoffed, making you glare at him.

He scowled at you and pulled you by the hair, making your face closer to him.

"Where the hell are the Moriartys living at?" he demanded, pulling you harshly.

You gritted your teeth and spat on his face, making him pull back with a groan of disgust.

"As if I'd ever tell you asshats," you growled, earning a punch to the gut.

"All right... You wanna do it the hard way then,"

Albert let out a relieved sigh, finally finished his work, and can now cuddle with you in bed.

As he left his office, guilt rushed through him as he remembered how he talked to you earlier this evening.

Albert quickly made his way to the bedroom to apologize but immediately noticed you were missing.

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