|Sherlock Holmes| December Snow Days

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Tag/s: Fem!Reader, Fluff

(Y/N): Your First Name

2nd Person's POV

"Crap, crap, crap!" you muttered as the snow started to pour harder on you and Sherlock.

"I told you it was gonna hail!" Sherlock clicked his tongue as he hovered his jacket under you both, running down the street.

"And yet, we both didn't bring an umbrella!" you retorted, staying close to him as you two hurriedly went inside 221B and closed the door.

"Are you two okay?" John asked, giving you a fresh towel.

"Yeah... Not like a little snow's hurt anyone," you reassured as you dried your hair.

"Tell that to hypothermia," Sherlock muttered as he dried himself too.

You shot him a glare as Miss Hudson pushed you into her room.

"Now, now... Let's get you both warmed up,"

"Achoo!" you sneezed, letting out a groan as you sat on the couch, wrapping your arms around yourself.

"Dang... It's really pouring out there..." you muttered, looking out of the window.

The snow showed no sign of stopping as it covered the whole city in white, making the window frost around the edges.

"And who was the idiot who decided to have a snowball fight with Wiggins and the others?" Sherlock rhetorically asked as he wrapped his blanket around you both.

You rolled your eyes as you moved closer to him, leaning on his side.

"You're just mad that I got you on the face a bunch of times," Sherlock let out a scoff as he pushed you out of the blanket, making you scoff.

"You little-" you grumbled with a smile, smacking a pillow on him, making him chuckle and fight back.

"At least I didn't keep slipping on the ice and falling on my butt like a klutz,"

"I told you I don't know how to ice-skate!"

"At least I was always caught you on time!"

"Yeah, while laughing at me!" you scoffed as you threw the pillow on Sherlock, making it bounce and land on the window.

It fell onto the latch, making it open up and let the cold wind hit you straight on the back.

"Cold! Cold! Cold!" you screamed as you quickly closed it again, making Sherlock laugh.

"Shut it!" you shouted, smacking his pillow on him repeatedly as he sat on the couch.

"Yeah, yeah... Sorry," he halfheartedly apologized as he grabbed your wrists, pulling you on his chest.

You struggled against his grip, but he kept a tight hold on you while leaning back on the couch.

You let out a sigh as you gave up, making Sherlock smile.

"Here," he slightly moved as he grabbed the blanket, wrapping you both in it.

"...Are you still cold?" he asked, making you roll your eyes playfully and shake your head.

"No, I'm fine," you reassured as you snuggled closer to him.

"That reminds me, Mycroft told me-" Sherlock let out a long groan as he leaned back on the couch.

"Listen!" you scolded as you swatted his chest.

"How did you talk to my brother anyway?" he asked, quirking a brow.

"We accidentally saw each other last week," you explained as you leaned back with Sherlock, laying your head on his shoulder.

"He told me your parents want you guys back on Christmas," you reminded, looking up to his face, "...and he told me your parents wanted to meet me,"

Sherlock clicked his tongue as he hid his face on top of your head.

"Damn nosy brother..." he grumbled, making you chuckle.

"Care to explain why you didn't tell me?" you asked, making Sherlock look you in the eye.

He let out a sigh as he pulled you up, sitting on the couch.

"I was about to... but I didn't think you would want to," he explained, making you raise a brow.


"Well, our parents are... They're kind of..." he let out a sigh as you giggled, "They're... different from what you expect," he explained, making you smile.

"Well, you're not exactly ordinary either, Sherlock Holmes," you retorted as you flicked his hanging strand of hair, making Sherlock chuckle.

"I'm sure they're wonderful," you reassured, reaching your hand to his cheek.

"And I'm excited to meet them," Sherlock let out a relieved smile as he melted under your touch.

"That's good..."

"I am quite nervous, though..." you admitted, looking down on your lap, "Should I bring a gift? What do you think they would like?" Sherlock smiled as he kissed your temple.

"You'll be fine. I'm sure my parents are just happy I finally found someone," he reassured, squeezing your hand lovingly.

"And I got a lover first before Mycroft did," he added, making you both laugh.

"What about Lestrade? Did you tell him you'll be out of town for the holidays?"

"I'll deal with Lestrade later," he muttered, snuggling against your hair as he let out a deep sigh, relaxing against your touch.

You shook your head as you let out a laugh, contently sighing as you closed your eyes.

"That reminds me, where's John? I haven't seen him since earlier,"

"He's talking to Miss Hudson downstairs. Something about--OY!" Sherlock shouted as he looked back.

You furrowed your brows as you followed his gaze and saw John and Miss Hudson by the door, sheepishly smiling.

"Sorry... We were calling you two for lunch, but it seemed that you two were busy..."

Sherlock groaned as he hid behind your hair, his face completely red.

You let out a nervous chuckle as you scratched your cheek.

"How-How long have you two been there?"

"Oh, not long," Miss Hudson smiled, "...Just at the ice-skating thing..."

Sherlock quickly got up and stomped over the two, making them run downstairs.


"We were waiting for the right time!"

"And we didn't want to ruin your moment!"

The two shouted as Sherlock slammed the door, hiding his red face in his hands as he slumped down.

You weakly laughed as you walked up to him, removing his hands from his face.

"Sorry about them..." you shook your head with a chuckle.

"It's okay. I think it's kind of endearing," you reassured as you kissed Sherlock's cheek.

"Now," you pulled him on his feet, "Let's go get some lunch!"


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