Being In A Relationship with Them II

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A/N: Why this anime is underrated is something I'll never understand T-T

Genre: Headcanons

|Sebastian Moran|

-Fanon Kuroo, basically

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-Fanon Kuroo, basically.

-Started to straighten up his act when you two became a thing

-LMAO, suddenly he became blind to all the girls and boys in the world

-Even though he slept around, he's very loyal to the person he loves

-The guys think you're a godsent, especially Louis, for making Sebastian do his chores.

-He's only really willing if you do them with him, though

-Flirts and teases you nonstop no matter where you are

-Very protective of you, do not give him a gun if he spots a guy eyeing you.

-Even though he's like this most of the time, he will give you genuine compliments or be sincere if you need them.

-Needs to have his hand on you somewhere when you're out--- holding hands, arm in arm, his arm around your waist, just any INNOCENT physical contact to show that you're together

-Surprisingly gentle during the first weeks, you two became a thing.

-Doesn't want to hurt you accidentally or scare you away

-Can be very clingy back home

-Likes to hold you for a really long time after a long day

-Just needs you around him when he feels stressed or tired.

|Irene Adler/James Bond|

(I'll be using he/him pronouns for James Bond but she/her pronouns for Irene Adler if that makes sense???)

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(I'll be using he/him pronouns for James Bond but she/her pronouns for Irene Adler if that makes sense???)

-Another flirt agjhgsaaj

-Likes to tease you and compliments you 24/7

-Nicknames for DAYS

-Angel, beautiful, handsome, sweetheart, dearest, love, darling, cuter version of your name, the list goes on.

-If he says your actual name, it sounds weird now.

-You feel like you've done something wrong--

-He even makes up weird nicknames but has a personal reason behind them.

-Likes to bring you to high-end restaurants when he can but enjoys snuggling back at home just as much.

-If you're a fan of Irene Adler or watched her shows back then, his heart swells up, and he went surprisingly meek and shy.

-But that doesn't last long before he's back to teasing you, but you do notice he somehow became softer after that.

-LOVES to show you off if he can or make you feel beautiful

-Buys you the prettiest outfits and the most glamorous jewelry that he thinks either you'd love, looks good on you, or makes him think of you.

-If you have a dream career or something you want to do, you have his support 100%

-If you want to become an actor/actress, songwriter, or singer, he'll be in all your shows and wants to be the first one to hear your songs.

-If it's not part of the entertainment business, then he checks up on you every once in a while while you work and brings you snacks you like

|Fred Porlock|

-Another shy bby

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-Another shy bby

-He's not sure how to do relationships, but he tries his best

-Expect different bouquets or a unique singular flower each day.

-Each one has a different meaning to what he feels fits the day.

-And if he's feeling brave, he leaves you a little note.

-Likes going around the garden with you

-Likes talking about flowers and plants with you but worried you might get bored or uninterested.

-If you ARE just as interested, his heart will do backflips, and his voice becomes a little louder and brighter as he continues to talk.

-VERY shy with physical affection, but that doesn't mean he hates it asgjhasg

-Please give him hugs when you're alone--- he just doesn't know how to ask for them.

-Compliments you unintentionally due to how blunt and honest he is

-Doesn't know why you're suddenly shy or blushing since he's only saying what's true

-If he's still in costume and he spots you, he might run away.

-If you tease him while he's dressed up as a girl telling him he's pretty, please, his face becomes red, and he cannot look you in the eye for a week.


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