💟 |Albert James Moriarty| "Let's stay inside... in bed"

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A/N: I am done!! 🥳🎉🎉 Late Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Requested By: El_911412

Tag/s: Fluff, Established Relationship

(Y/N): Your First Name

2nd Person's POV

You slowly opened your eyes, blinking yourself awake as you saw that you were sleeping on Albert's chest, his arms wrapped around you.

As you tried to move, he furrowed his brows as he pulled you close, resting his head on top of yours.

"It's Saturday, dearest... There's no need to get up so early," he grumbled, making you chuckle.

"Maybe not for you, but I still have to make breakfast for everyone," you replied, pulling off his arms as you got up, much to Albert's protests.

Albert let out a sigh as he sat up, watching you put on a robe and look upon the grandfather clock.

"Must you make breakfast so early in the morning?"

"For the number of people in this manor, yes," you smiled as you walked up to him and kissed his forehead.

"Can't you at least stay for five minutes?" he pleaded, grasping your wrist as he lightly pulled you down, making your faces only inches apart.

"Albert..." you warned, knowing his tricks.

He sighed defeatedly, letting you go as he got stretched his back, getting up and putting on his slippers.

"Well, at least let me help you make breakfast," he reasoned, making you freeze up.

"There's no need for that, dear... Besides, aren't you tired from your trip?" you asked as Albert put on a robe.

"Not really, and it's must be difficult for your to prepare breakfast on your own, especially on Louis's day off,"

As you two prepared breakfast, you stayed by Albert's side.

You kept glancing over to him, checking everything he was doing, even if it was just preparing ingredients or stirring the pot.

Luckily, you two finished breakfast without mistake or adding any weird ingredients and prepared the tables.

Slowly, everyone started coming down one after another and took their seats.

"Good morning..." Fred greeted, walking in with a large bag filled with letters.

"Good... morning?" you greeted in a questioning tone as you set up his spot.

He set down the bag, making a couple of letters fly out as he took a breath.

"Did we miss a month worth of letters?" Jack-sensei asked as everyone crowded around the large bag.

Fred shook his head in response.

"Most of them are ball invitations for Valentine's," he sighed, rolling his shoulder.

"Ah..." you hummed, noticing that several letters were either pink or red. Some even had heart decorations on them.

Curiously, you opened some of them.

You couldn't help but smile at how upfront the sender was with making sure the boys would come over.

Some even asked if they would have a ball at the manor.

"Well, aren't you all Mister Popular," you teased, nudging William as he lightly chuckled.

"The attention brings more trouble than benefits," Louis sighed, putting the letters back to the bag and shutting it tight.

"I'm guessing we're staying in for Valentine's," Albert smiled, wrapping his arms around you from behind as he kissed the top of your head.

"I guess we are," you smiled, hugging his arms while Sebastian rolled his eyes at you.

"Go get a room," he complained, making you laugh while Albert lightly glared at him.


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