|Q/Von Herder| SFW Alphabet

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A/N: I'll complete it at a later time!

A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)

I think he would be very touch-starved, so he likes having you close to him and being affectionate. You're both usually arm-in-arm or holding hands when you're walking outside. He also loves giving you pet names and nicknames. Granted, some of them might be technology or weapon-related, but they're made out of love. Just remember to ask for permission first. He's blind, so having someone suddenly hug him from behind will just send danger signals to his brain, and he might accidentally throw you.

B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)

He always finds a way for you two to hang out in his lab as he works on his weapons no matter what. He even lets you try them out. He trusts you better than Moran and Bonde in handling his inventions since you never really broke or stole from him. He will talk your ear off with facts and knowledge about weapons and technology. He doesn't really mean it; he just gets so excited and passionate talking about his inventions. Herder usually stops when he notices he's been ranting, but if you let him continue, he has the biggest smile on his face.

C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)

LOVES cuddling with you after coming home or even while taking a break in the lab. Herder usually stretches his arms out, waiting for you to respond when he wants them. He gets pretty embarrassed when people catch you, but he usually just frowns at them and continues holding you close. Herder likes cuddling you, but he also wants to be cuddled when he's having a bad day. It's pretty obvious too. His shoulders slump as he calls for you, following the sound of your voice as he stretches his arms out for you.

D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)

He wants to settle down, but he has a routine each day, so it might take his partner some time to adjust to living with him. He most likely invented something to help with cooking, cleaning, laundry, and more. He's blind, so he can't do a lot. He can cook for himself to a certain degree, but you're going to handle most of the house chores. That doesn't mean he won't try to help you. You'd probably take turns on the chores he can handle or have his inventions take care of it for you both.

E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)

He'd be so upset over it, but he can't really keep the relationship going if it's bad for you both. He'd most likely contemplate over it for a couple of days, finding reasons to keep the relationship. He'll be fiddling his fingers a lot as he beats around the bush, not really being able to say what he wants to say. He eventually says it in a soft tone, but you're able to hear it. I think he would be stuck on some sort of block, unable to invent or even clean his beloved guns, making Moran, Bond, and Moneypenny worry.

F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)

I think marriage would slip in his mind every once in a while. Even when he's so focused on his machinery and weapons. He's not that scared of commitment. He likes the thought of having someone by his side for life, in sickness, and in health. Once he finds someone who's basically his best friend and understands his passion, marriage is not that far in his mind. When you two talk about tying the knot, he'd be out ring shopping with Bonde and Moneypenny.

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