|William James Moriarty| Ballroom Wallflower

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Requested By: crattan

(Y/N): Your First Name

2nd Person's POV

You kept a polite smile on your face as you made your way towards the nearest wall, making sure not to attract suspicion.

You slowly made your way to the garden's entrance, slipping out of the ballroom as quickly as you could.

You took a big breath as you slumped your shoulders, not realizing how stiff they were this evening.

You gently stretched them as you looked around, searching for a place to spend the rest of the evening in.

As you wondered around, you found yourself in front of a large tree with a swing set tied to one of its branches.

Seeing it was devoid of people, you smiled to yourself as you took a seat on the swing, slowly rocking yourself back and forth as you enjoyed the peace and quiet.

"There you were," a voice called out, making you turn around and see William by the entrance.

"Liam!" you chirped, lighting up as you saw him walking towards you.

"I was wondering why I couldn't see you inside," you smiled at his comment.

"What's wrong? Did you miss me already?" you teased with a wide grin, earning a smirk from William as he lightly flicked your forehead.

"If you wanted to get out of the ball, you could have just told me," he reassured, walking behind you and holding onto the swing's chains.

"I know. I just wanted to take a breather before going back in," you replied, leaning back as you rest your head against his stomach.

"We can always go home early," William suggested as he looked down at you.

"No need, it'll be bad if we keep leaving these parties early," you smiled, lifting your legs up and straightening your back.

William couldn't help but smile as he lightly pushed you, giving it more force with each one.

"Don't you need to be at the party?"

"No, Sebastian and James has everything covered,"

"So then, all we need to do now is--"

You stopped yourself as you heard crying nearby, making William look around as you came to a halt.

"You heard that too?" you asked as you stood up, earning a nod from William.

"I think it's coming over there,"

You two looked around and saw a little girl crouched down, sobbing.

"Oh, hello!" you greeted softly, approaching her as you knelt down, "What's wrong?" you asked, making the little girl look up at you two.

"I...I can't find my mom..." she replied, sniffling.

You frowned at her answer but quickly smiled as you brushed off the hair on her face.

"Where was the last time you saw her?" William asked in a gentle voice, kneeling down beside you.

"In...Inside... But I got lost..." she replied, calming down.

"Then, how about we go inside and find your mom? I'm sure she's worried sick about you," you offered, making the child perk up.

"Really...?" she asked, making you nod your head.

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