|William James Moriarty| Professional Care

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Tag/s: Physical Therapist!Fem!Reader, Fluff

Warning/s: Inaccurate medical treatment during the Victorian era

(Y/N): Your First Name

2nd Person's POV

"What happened during the mission?" you asked, carefully inspecting William's injured foot.

"One of the nobles acted out of what was expected and... Some things happened," William simply explained as you hummed in response, writing down your notes.

"Is it serious?" Louis asked, turning his head to see what you were writing down.

"Well, he has a broken foot, that's for sure. You'll be out of commission for six to eight weeks, so I suggest you call the university as soon as possible about this,"

William let out a sigh as he went through his mind of possible solutions while you made your way to the bathroom, filling a bucket with cold water.

"What if I--"

"--It might get worse if you do anything to aggravate it. It needs to stay rested and immobilized as it heals.

"Surgery might also be an option if it gets worse," you defended as you waddled back with a bucket full of cold water and a towel over your shoulder.

You let out a grunt as you set it down, splashing slightly as you carefully dipped Will's injury inside, making him flinch.

"This should help with the swelling..." you muttered as you wiped your hands.

"After fifteen to thirty minutes, you can take it out and keep it elevated," you ripped out half of your notes, giving it to Louis.

"These are pain-relievers, Will can take them when the pain becomes too unbearable,"

"All right, There should be some shops still open during this time," Louis spoke as he looked back at William worriedly.

"Don't worry, I'll stay with him," you reassured, walking beside William as you fluffed his pillow.

"That's right, I highly doubt I can escape (Y/N) with my condition," Will joked, making you smirk.

"Right... Thank you," Louis smiled as he grabbed his coat.

"Don't sweat it, it's my job." you reassured as you waved goodbye, "Be careful!" you reminded as Louis left the room.

"Now, would you mind telling me what happened?" you asked as you rummaged around the cabinets, looking for bandages.

William sighed as he leaned back on the bed, folding his arms on his stomach.

"I was just... distracted," he vaguely explained, making you look back at him.

"Distracted with what?" you asked, looking through the drawers.

"...Something trivial,"

"If it got your foot hurt, it's not trivial," you retorted as you walked back to him, bandages in hand.

"I won't force you to tell me what it is if you're uncomfortable with it," you muttered, carefully wiping his foot.

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