|Miss Hudson| Gals Being Pals

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A/N: I'm not sure what Miss Hudson's real name but for the story's sake, I'm going to use Martha as her first name ^^"

Tag/s: Fem!Reader

(Y/N): Your First Name

2nd Person's POV

"Now, where is that key..." you mumbled to yourself, patting your pockets as you balanced your groceries with one arm.

Before you could even turn the key, a loud explosion shook the ground, making you lose your balance.

You let out a yelp as you hugged the grocery bags, landing on your bottom.

'Not again...!' you thought as you got up and rushed inside.

You opened the door to Sherlock and John's flat, smoke covering the air as you shield your eyes.

"You two okay!?"

"Yes..." John replied, groaning as he slowly got up from the ground while Sherlock limped towards you.

"Did you get what I needed?" Sherlock asked as he stretched his neck.

"Y-Yeah..." you rummaged around the bags and pulled out a bag of rock salt, "It's this, right?"

Sherlock smiled as he took the bag from you.

"Perfect, thank you," he complimented, going back to his experiments.

"SHERLOCK!!!" Hudson shouted, rapid footsteps ascending from the stairs.

Sherlock winced as he hid behind his scientific contraption.

As she reached the doorframe, she let out a horrified gasp at the scene.

"What were you doing!? Look at what you've done!" she scolded, stomping her way to Sherlock.

John sighed as he stretched out his neck and walked up to you.

"Want to help me prepare breakfast?" you lifted your bags, "While those two are talking?" you nodded your head to Sherlock and Hudson.

"Sure... It looks like it'll be a while," John smiled, grabbing the bags from your hands as you two slowly walked downstairs.

As you peacefully set the table, you saw Hudson walking downstairs, already exhausted in the morning.

"Need a hug?" you offered, opening your arms to her.

"Yes, please..." she sighed, walking up to you and lazily wrapping her arms around your waist, making you chuckle as you hugged her tight.

"You didn't get caught up in the explosion, did you?" she asked, looking up to you as she inspected your face.

"No, I'm okay," you reassured, making her sigh in relief and snuggle into your chest.

"Thank goodness... I wouldn't know what I'd do to Sherlock if he hurt you..." she grumbled, tightening her hold as you chuckled.

"You worry too much," you teased, making her lightly kick your foot.

"Ow!" you laughed, making Hudson hug you tightly and hide her face deeper in your chest.

"Sorry, sorry..." you smiled, kissing the top of her head.

"Come on. Let's go eat some breakfast before we go out,"

You let out a groan as you let your arms hang on your sides, sore from trying to tie your corset.

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