|Moriarty Brothers| Fighting and Making Up Headcanons

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A/N: Sorry, this is gonna be a long messy one, it became fics with headcanons 🙇

Tag/s: Angst with Happy Ending

(Y/N): Your First Name

|Albert James Moriarty|

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|Albert James Moriarty|

-You know your boyfriend is a busy man.

-Business trips, going to numerous parties to get Intel, being in charge of the MI6, to name some of his responsibilities.

-You didn't really mind since he would bring you along to those trips and parties as he made sure you were safe from danger.

-But now, he was barely home, and his business trips were longer.

-It was making you feel lonely.

-It also didn't help how you knew some women acted around your lover, even when you were with him.

-He would always try to spend time with you despite his hectic schedule.

-Today, he was coming back from a long business trip, and you wanted to plan the day so you two could spend some time together.

-You cooked some of his favorites, made some snacks, prepared some pillows and blankets to watch movies, even ordered some books he'd been wanting to read.

-You smiled when you heard the door open, rushing over to the entrance as you saw him by the door.

-You saw his shoulders slumped as he gave you a tired smile, opening his arms to you.

-"Welcome home!" you happily greeted as you jumped into his arms, making him chuckle as he swayed you from side to side, kissing the top of your head.

-As you hugged, you noticed an off-putting smell. You took a quick whiff and realized it was numerous perfumes.

-You pulled away as you inspected him, seeing lipstick smudges on his jacket.

-"Albert? Why is there lipstick on your jacket?"

-He looked down, shocked and confused as you were.

-"I'm not quite sure... Perhaps it was from that party last night. I didn't even notice..."

-And from then on, you two went from talking to an argument that went into a fight.

"What exactly do you want me to do? You know I need to go to those parties for William,"

"Gee, I don't know... How about don't go flirting behind my back?"

"(Y/N), you're being dramatic. You know I would never leave you for someone else."

"Do I? Because I barely see you anymore, and you're barely home!"

-This went on until you two were tired out.

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