|Headcanons| Love Languages

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A/N: Basically, what are their main love languages

|Words of Affirmation|

James Bond/Irene Adler
LOVES to compliment you and give you nicknames. Calls you pretty girl/boy at least ONCE a day just to see you blush. Your number one hype man when you feel insecure. When you compliment him, he blushes but has a giant grin on his face the whole day.

|Acts of Service|

Louis James Moriarty
Helping him with chores or anything to lighten the load will melt his heart. Even if you just give him sliced fruits since you think he needs to eat something, he just feels cared for. Takes care of you very carefully when you're sick and likes to do little things for you when you're tired or stressed.

William James Moriarty
Give him a massage, straighten out his papers, give him some coffee. It may be seen as small to other people, but he appreciates them with all his heart. Even though he's a genius and very much capable of taking care of himself, you looking out for him always puts a smile on his face.

|Receiving Gifts|

Albert James Moriarty
Need I say more? He'll buy a whole FACTORY for you if he can. He doesn't really want expensive gifts, but anything you give him will be treasured forever. If it's homemade? He's PROUD to show it off. Buy him roses or something very thoughtful, and he will shower you with kisses.

|Quality Time|

Sherlock Holmes
He just loves having you around or feeling your presence with him. If it's just solving a case together or just lounging on the couch, he doesn't care as long as you're around. He likes having your full attention on him, and he gives you the same.

Fred Porlock
Simple walks in his garden or doing chores around the manor are things that he looks forward to each day. Having you listen to him talk about flowers or other stuff to his heart's content makes him feel loved. He also has this lovestruck smile when it's your turn.

|Physical Touch|

Sebastian Moran
Again, NEED I SAY MORE? It doesn't have to be sexual, but he needs to have you near his skin. Holding hands, arm in arm, or just his hand on your ass- he just likes touching you. LOVES having you on his lap-- it gives him full access to your neck and shoulders.

John Watson
Admittedly, more innocent than Sebastian. He LOVES nose kisses, holding hands, playing with your fingers, tracing shapes against your skin, anything. Even when he's reading something, he wants to hold your hand or lean towards you unconsciously when you're far away.


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