|William James Moriarty| Alone Together

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A/N: How did this book got 100 votes and 1.6k reads already ( °̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥◡͐°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥) thank you so much oml

Tag/s: Songfic

Song: "Alone Together" by Abigail Barlow & Emily Bear

(Y/N): Your First Name
(L/N): Your Last Name

2nd Person's POV

The rain continued to pour as you gasped, groaning in pain as you gripped your bleeding side.

You limped your way to an empty alleyway, leaning onto a wall as you slid down, losing energy.

Your breathing was heavy and ragged as you tried to stop the bleeding, but it was useless.

Your vision started to darken as your body started to falter.

'No... Not like this...' you gritted your teeth as you tried to stay conscious, holding onto the ground for stability.

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a man walking up to you.

His silhouette gave you no clue as to what he looked like, but you saw a gleam of red before you passed out.

You gasped as you quickly sat up, instantly cursing yourself as a pang of pain went through your stomach.

"What the..." you muttered, seeing yourself tucked in a bed in a fancy room.

You narrowed your eyes as you inspected your new surroundings.

The table next to you had a medical kit with loads of bloody cotton in the garbage can.

You pulled off the blanket and saw your wound all bandaged up.

You slowly made your way to the side of the bed, hissing from the pain as you stood up, limping your way around the room.

"I suggest you shouldn't get out of bed so quickly,"

You quickly turned around and saw a tall blond man by the door, smiling at you.

'How did I not hear him come in...?' you thought as he walked up to you, making you step back warily.

"No need to panic," he raised up his hands, "I saw you by the alleyway bleeding and thought I should help," he simply answered, keeping his smile on his face.

You kept your stance as you observed him, knowing that wasn't the whole story.

"And...? I highly doubt a noble would save someone in my class just to do a good deed," you questioned, "Let alone someone with my name and reputation,"

The man smirked as his red eyes gleamed.

"Sharp as ever, I see..." he chuckled, finally revealing his true intentions.

"You see, Mx. (Y/N) (L/N)," your eyes widened as he called you by your real name, "I would like to propose a deal,"

It's been years since you've been hired by the Moriartys for their big plan.

You usually take cover as Albert's partner during balls for intel, kill the nobles as William ordered, or simply help Louis around the manor.

Additionally, you also help William with papers and preparations of the plans in his office, leading you to spend a lot of time alone with the crime consultant and growing close.

The downside would be that Sebastian, James, and even Master Jack would tease you about it.

"I'm telling you, we're not like that."

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