William and Louis with Albert's S/O

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Tag/s: Platonic!Relationship (William and Louis), Romantic!Relationship (Albert), Headcanons

-William noticed his older brother's infatuation with you early on, so he made his own investigations.

-When William first met you, you seemed like a genuinely kind person, so he wasn't that wary of you.

-Eventually, Albert came clean of his feelings to William and Louis, promising that this would not be a hindrance to the plan.

-William already had an idea, so he wasn't that worried and knew how happy you made their brother.

-Louis was still on the fence, but he trusted William and Albert, and he knew you were the reason their eldest brother seemed happier.

-After that, the brothers were fully aware of Albert courting you, but Albert could still see Louis still having second thoughts, so he decided to invite you over.

-When Albert invited you over, you were a little nervous since you wanted to make a good impression.

-You knew William was a math professor while Louis was a mystery since he's usually at home.

-William was the first to welcome you while Louis served you tea.

-During your visit, Louis kept his distance, but you still treated him warmly and respectfully. You even complimented him on his tea and shared some stories about them.

-Eventually, he warmed up to you and could see why Albert liked you.

-William was hard to read, but he knew what books you liked, so you two would bond over them.

-You could still tell that he had walls around him but not pry.

-You and William bonded over books you both read, sometimes sharing your perspectives or other recommendations.

-You could see him slowly opening up, showing his childish side when you two had different opinions on a character or novel.

-You would gift Louis exotic or foreign teas and tea sets, even preparing him some to taste test.

-During Albert's trips, William and Louis would either visit you or let you join Albert.

-You would give William different books while giving Louis rare teas and treats that you think he might like or recreate.

-You never failed to bring food so that you all could share while telling stories.

-When Albert was still thinking about tying the knot, William already gave him his blessing.

-Louis was next to know, and he happily gave Albert encouragement.

-The day Albert was about to ask you, the brothers joined you up to the train station, and you could tell they were happy about something, but they wouldn't give you a straight answer.

-When you and Albert got married, the brothers happily helped you get acquainted with how the manor worked.

-Louis helped you with the chores (keeping an eye on Sebastian as requested by Albert) while William made sure you were feeling at home.

-If you were aware of their plans and decided to help, you would stay at Albert's side, getting intel.

-They made a silent pact that they would never put you anywhere in danger.

-You'd be surprised at how much information you can get from women gossiping or men proudly bragging about their achievements.

-You and William still had your own book club, but you also became Louis's partner in crime when it came to making sure he was taking care of himself.

-When you and Albert are on a date, William and Louis make sure that none of the others (Sebastian and James, specifically) would bother you two.

-While Albert was gone, you would help around the house with Louis, sometimes testing different combinations and treats in your free time.

-Long story short, the two are happy you are part of the family and have you as their newest sibling-in-law.


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