|Louis James Moriarty| SFW Alphabet

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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)

A shy boy. He's not used to romantic relationships, so showing affection is a hurdle for him. He usually shows his love by giving you little snacks when he knows you haven't eaten in a while, cleaning your room when you're so busy, or simply helping you when you need him. He's not good with words or physical contact, but he makes it up for looking after you. Another way he shows affection is by reminding you to take care of yourself. He will literally drag you in your chair to the kitchen so you can eat something decent while having a grumpy expression.

B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)

He is the mom friend but kind of like a strict mom friend. Did you forget your jacket? He is exasperating how you could forget it when it's clearly cold outside while wrapping you with a coat, scarf, earmuffs, gloves, and some pocket warmers. He pretends he's annoyed, but he just cares for you. When you're about to do something stupid, he is right there to stop you from hurting yourself. You'd probably meet at the orphanage too, or William recruited you personally. You two just spent time together, and you stuck with him, no matter how scary he can be.

C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)

He wasn't much of a cuddler at first, but he started liking it because of you. Louis was very clumsy at first, not knowing where to rest his hands if he was squeezing you too hard, if he was too heavy for you, or if what he was doing was even correct. His worries usually ease when he sees you resting peacefully in his arms, a content smile on your face. He didn't get the point at first, but he slowly got used to it and feels relaxed when you're cuddling after a long day at the manor, sometimes even looking for your touch when he's super stressed.

D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)

Straight-up husband material. He will take care of you and support you as much as he can. He can be a househusband for you if you need him to be. He only focused on helping his brother and his plans, so settling down with someone never really crossed his mind. You two might already live under the same roof, but sharing the same room is a hurdle for him. He likes his privacy and his own space, but waking up with you by his side seems a great way to start the day.

E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)

If Louis had to break up with their partner, he'd be nervous, but he wouldn't show it. He keeps a cold expression as he calmly explains why you two should find other people. Louis would be very disheartened that you two didn't work out, never really letting anyone in his life. It might affect his work performance, but he keeps going to forget his pain and try to forget about you. He tries to keep a smile, not wanting his brothers to worry about him, but he's crushing inside.

F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)

He hasn't really thought of marriage, but he is very loyal and committed. Even if someone brings it up, he'd just turn red and say it's too early for you two... even if you've been together for more than five years. If he was going to get married, he wouldn't think of anyone else but you. If you two are content and happy with how you are now, he sees no rush to the aisle. But if you two have had the talk and he sees you smiling at wedding dresses, he might measure your finger for references for a ring. Still takes months to ask you, though.

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