|Sebastian Moran| Dropping By

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Tag/s: Mother!Reader

(Y/N): Your First Name
(D/N): Your Daughter's Name
(S/N): Your Son's Name
(F/N): Your Friend's Name
(L/N): Your Last Name

2nd Person's POV

"I wonder if this is the right place..." you muttered as you looked at the giant estate.

"Is this the place!?"

"I wanna see! I wanna see!"

Your son and daughter jumped out of the carriage, admiring the view.

"(S/N)! (D/N)! I thought I told you to wait in the carriage!" you scolded as the two whined in disagreement.

"But it's so boring inside!"

"Yeah! And (S/N) kept tugging on my hair!" they both complained as you sighed.

"Children, am I right?" (F/N) said as they walked up next to you, giving you the giant gift for your visit.

"Are you sure about this? What if he's not a good person?" (F/N) warned with a whisper.

You rolled your eyes at them playfully and gave them a reassuring smile.

"He gave us the money we needed to live all those years ago, don't be so paranoid," you whispered back before you knelt down to your daughter's level and fixed her hair.

"(S/N), you know better than to tease your sister." your son huffed with a pout and stormed back to the carriage.

"And... there. All better now, dear." you smiled as you held your daughter's chin up, seeing her bright smile.

"Thank you, mama!" she kissed your cheek before joining her brother in the carriage.

You went inside the carriage and ruffled your son's hair, making the boy groan.

"I'll be quick, okay? Aunt/Uncle (F/N) will keep you company while I'm gone." you kissed his head, earning another groan as he wiped his cheek and faced away from you.

"...Be careful while you're there, okay, mama?" he muttered, looking back to you.

You felt your heart swell as you smiled at your son.

"Of course," you reassured as you pulled him in for a tight hug, making him whine.

"We'll eat some lunch and come back around... thirty minutes?" (F/N) reminded as you let your son go.

"All right, I'll wait for you by the gates," you answered as you hopped out.

"Be good, now! Keep an eye on Aunt/Uncle (F/N) for me!" you waved goodbye as the carriage started to move.

"Hey!" (F/N) shouted, making your son and daughter giggle as you smiled to yourself.

You found yourself standing by the front door, trying to muster up the courage to face them.

Before your fingers reach the metal knocker, a blond man with glasses opens the door.

"O-Oh! Hello!" you stuttered as the man looked at you suspiciously, "Sorry for dropping by suddenly, but is this the Moriarty residence?"

"Yes, it is..." he replied as you sighed in relief, "What business do you have here?" he asked cautiously, his red eyes scanning you from head to toe.

"Oh! I'm (Y/N) (L/N), and I just wanted to say thank you to James Moriarty for all those years ago," you smiled as you tucked away a strand of your hair.

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