Spending Time with James Bonde and Sebastian Moran

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A/N: Why is there no good quality of Bonde's chibi :')

Tag/s: Scenario

|James Bonde|

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|James Bonde|

"U-Um... James?"

"Yes, darling?"

"Do you think you could... I don't know.... slow down!?"

You let out a gasp as he made a sharp turn, making the car lean slightly.

You held onto his arm tighter as you shut your eyes tightly, making the man chuckle.

"No need to be so scared, love!" he reassured, making you glare at him.

"Easy for you to say..." you grumbled, opening one of your eyes.

The scenery was a blur with how fast he was going as the sound of the wind filled your ears.

You slowly loosened your grip but kept your hands on his arms as you sat more comfortably.

"See? It's not so bad," he teased, making you pout as he adjusted the goggles on your eyes.

"And you're sure Herder let you borrow this for our date?"

"Of course!" he answered, keeping his eyes on the road as he avoided your gaze.

"...You stole this again, didn't you?"

"Maybe... I left him a note, so it's fine," he shrugged, making you roll your eyes.

"Where are we going, anyway?"

"It's a surprise," he winked, making you sigh with a smile as you looked around the vehicle.

"Wow... Herder really went above and beyond with this one," you breathed out, running your hands around the contraption.

"Wanna try driving it?" James grinned, slowing down to the side of the road.

"What?" you asked as he stopped, pulling you to his lap.

"James!" you scolded as he held your hands and placed them on the steering wheel.

"Come on! It'll be fun," he reassured as he started the engine again, making you jump.

"James, I'll make us crash," you warned, shaking under his touch as you started to move.

"Don't worry! I got you..." he kissed your cheek, "I'll tell you how to drive it," he smiled, leading your hands to where they should be.

You took a deep breath as you followed, listening intently to his instructions.




"Darling, if we go this slow, we're going to be late," he laughed, making you nudge him on the chest.

"You're the one who wanted me to drive!"

|Sebastian Moran|

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|Sebastian Moran|

"Come on, Seb... Don't be such a stick in the mud!" you joked as you dragged him around by the hand, excited to look around.

"It's just a carnival, (Y/N)..." he grumbled, already over it before you went inside.

You rolled your eyes as you kept leading him around, excited to ride the rides or try some treats.

"Well, you know how to have fun," you scoffed, ignoring his attitude as you beamed at the festive lights.

"Yes, I do... My type of fun is just different," he smirked, pulling you by the waist as you bumped into his chest.

You furrowed your brows at him as you moved his bangs over his eyes, trying to hide your pink face.

"Can we just have one date without you making it about that?"

"No promises," he shrugged, looking around the booths and rides.

"Come one, come all! And try your skills in my shooting booth!" a carny shouted, proudly presenting his booth.

You looked over to it and saw a black cat stuffed toy with bangs sitting on top of the prize wall.

"Hey Seb, look! Doesn't that cat look like you?" you smiled, pulling him closer to the booth.

"I don't see the resemblance..." he denied, making you roll your eyes playfully as you stood in front of the carny.

"How about you, gorgeous? Wanna try shooting for a prize? First try's for free," he cheekily grinned as he gave you a toy rifle, making you awkwardly laugh as Sebastian scowled at him.

"Thanks," Sebastian forced a smile as he yanked the rifle, positioning himself in front of the targets.

"You wanted that cat, right?" he asked, making you excitedly nod.

The carny rolled his eyes as he cockily smirked, "You only get ten shots, my good sir,"

Sebastian scoffed as he put his finger on the trigger.

"That's more than enough,"




"Wow... I didn't know you could hit all of the targets in one go!"

"Neither did I..." the carny breathed out as Sebastian stood up, a smug smirk on his face as he gave you the cat... and the rest of the prizes.

"Thank you!" you smiled, kissing his cheek as you pulled him to one of the rides.

Sebastian looked back at the carny and sneered, making the man scoff and fix his booth as you and Sebastian enjoyed the rest of the carnival.


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