|Headcanons| William and Sherlock's S/Os

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A/N: Sorry this is so messy! I just needed to get this out of my system :')

Tag/s: Headcanons

Warning/s: Profanity, Sexual Harassment, Mentions of Rape

W/S.O: William's Significant Other's Name
S/S.O: Sherlock's Significant Other's Name

-Let's be honest, if their S/Os were female, they would need to have a female friend.

-Like the Moriarty Manor is majorly men (Moneypenny and James Bonde are usually very busy with missions)

-Even though William's S/O loves them to death, she does not want to be around a bunch of men all the time

-There are a LOT of things they can't talk about, or they won't get

-Sherlock's S/O is the same-- but at least they have Miss Hudson.


-I feel like they'd accidentally meet at the Noahtic too, but this was before William and Sherlock got together with their respective S/O's.

-Sherlock's S/O would be the one who suggested to go to the Noahtic-- for a change of scenery since he's been cooped up in his room for a long time.

-And maybe, just maybe, a noble was being too close to Sherlock's S/O, making him jealous.

-And Sherlock decided to make them jealous, too, by having an entourage of women around him.

-He may be a great detective, but that doesn't mean he's a genius when it comes to relationships.

-A short argument and they went their separate ways~

-Now for William's S/O, they'd be a part of the plan.

-William was a little iffy about the idea since the guy they hired was a criminal, and rape was one of the crimes under their belt.

-But William's S/O would reassure him, and he knows they can take care of themselves and join them on the plan.

-While going around the Noahtic, William's S/O would be keeping a close eye on the criminal, making sure he was doing his job.

-That is until... he got drunk.

-At the bar, Sherlock's S/O was minding their own business until the criminal set his eyes on them.

-'Uh oh...' William's S/O rushed over, casually reminding the criminal of their duties... with a death glare as they used their own body to shield Sherlock's S/O

-The criminal winced but walked away as he mumbled curses under his breath.

-William's S/O let out a sigh of relief as they saw Sebastian take over, following the criminal out of the bar.


"Hey, thanks for that..." S/S.O sighed, clearly shaken up from what happened.

"Don't worry about it." W/S.O smiled, "It's the least I could do," they reassured, about to walk away.

"Hey, wait!" S/S.O called out, holding them by the arm.

"How about a drink? You should enjoy yourself even just a little," S/S.O smiled politely, not really wanting to be alone.

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