|Sherlock & William| You're Okay

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Tag/s: Fluff, Fem!Reader, Continuation

(Y/N): Your First Name
(N/N): Your Nickname
(L/N): Your Last Name

2nd Person's POV

You let out a sigh as you blankly watched people dance across the floor as your friends continued to play the music.

"Well, one thing's this dress is good for," you shook your skirt and checked your purse, filled with pastries and food to take home.

"I have more inventory," you smiled to yourself, knowing you don't have to cook for dinner tonight.

"Miss (L/N)?" a male voice called out, making you stop. You quickly turned around and saw a familiar shade of red eyes underneath the mask.

"W-William...?" you asked in a hushed tone, squinting to make sure.

He gave you a smile and a curt nod, making you sigh of relief.

"I'm surprised you remembered me," you adjusted your mask, making him chuckle.

"I have been told to have quite the memory," he explained, walking up next to you, "What brings you here?"

"I'm just accompanying a friend of mine," you nodded your head to Edwin and the others, who smiled and waved at you two.

"Are those the same musicians from last time?"

"Yeah... We bumped to each other a couple of months ago and just... clicked, I guess," you replied, grabbing a couple of drinks from a passing waiter.

"And it snowballed from there," you handed the other to William, clinking them together.

"I see... It's good to see you have opened up," he smiled, taking a sip.

"Oh! Speaking of last time," you exclaimed, putting away your glass, "You owe me a dance," you smirked, making the man's eyes glint playfully.

"Do I now?" you nodded your head.

"Don't you think it was unfair that I was the only one making a fool of myself when we first met?" he chuckled at your remark, looking around the dance floor.

"Well, if you put it that way," he reached out his hand to you, "How about we call it even with a waltz?"

You raised a brow at his suggestion, unsure if he was serious or not.

"I do owe you a dance," he smiled, making you look at him skeptically as you grabbed his, letting him lead you to the middle of the dance floor.

"Don't go stepping on my toes now,"

"Wouldn't dream of it,"

"Not bad," you complimented, swaying along with William as you two glided along the dance floor.

"As to you. I see you have improved since the last time we met," you scoffed at William's remark and hit his chest lightly.

"I'll have you know that waltz is a little bit easier and slow compared to the dance back on the street," William chuckled at your remark as he twirled you around, right on time at the end of the song.

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