|Albert & William| Crushing on the Same Fem!S/O

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A/N: I can't find any fanart with just the two of them...

Tag/s: Headcanon, Fem!Reader

-I feel like you would meet Albert first, at a party with other nobles.

-The only thing is, you hated almost everyone at the party.

-All they talk about is how much money they're making, how much their outfit costs, or brag about how well they're doing in this high society.

-It was just dull, repetitive, and sickening.

-You only attend these parties because your family wants to make a good impression, dragging you along to fake a smile.

-Most of the nobles actually think you're sick in the head or weird, giving a majority of your money to the needy and poor and even spending time with them.

-You usually ignore those nobles or tune them out, knowing they would just advise you on how to be greedy and get away with it.

-This, however, caught the attention of the Moriarty brothers.

-Albert was the one who made the first move, talking to you and even asking you for a dance.

-Seeing as how he was actually a decent person, you agreed.

-As the night went on, you two hit it off and became friends, setting their plans in motion, knowing you were actually a good person at heart.

-Albert asks you out to a walk in the park, and you agreed since your parents made you go since he's a lord, and he's actually fun to talk to.

-When you arrive at the park, you meet his two other brothers: William and Louis.

-You didn't think much of it since, hey! More decent people!

-As you four talked and walked along the park, William and Albert slowly warmed up to you while Louis saw you as an older sister.

-You usually hang out with William and Albert, kind of confused why they would want to meet separately rather than all together, but you didn't mind.

-Albert always looks for you during parties and would take you to fancy restaurants and boutiques, sometimes a simple walk in the park or a visit to an orphanage.

-William likes spending time with you in a library or museum. He especially loves it when you visit him during his lunch break at university.

-As time went by, you also fell for the two brothers.

-They both agreed that they don't want your hands to be dirtied, so they try to keep their operation a secret.

-When a noble is going to die, one of them is usually by your side to make sure you're safe and wouldn't be able to witness the gruesome death.

-They may or may not have argued who would get to spend time with you, but they eventually fix a schedule.

-Louis talked to you every once in a while, usually to catch up with each other.

-...And maybe to know how you feel about his two older brothers.

-They might just be waiting for you to make a move or confess, not really wanting to compete with their own brother.

-It's your choice with who you want to end up with, but if you end up choosing both of them, they aren't complaining.


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